Last night was another “Please let me fall asleep before the sun comes up” night. I think that I phased in-and-out of sleep from about 2:30 until somewhere just before 5:00. And then I tossed and turned for the three-and-a-half hours that I managed to semi-sleep. It was not fun.

Surprisingly, work wasn’t too bad, despite the lack of sleep and the noted lack of espresso-laden mocha goodness. I spent most of the day learning ColdFusion. The first half of the day, it went pretty smoothly. But, sometime during lunch, my higher-level cognitive functions decided to go on holiday, because things just were not clicking.

After work, gaming night! “World of Darkness” featuring aspects of White Wolf’s Mage: the Ascension, Werewolf and Vampire: the Masquerade. It was a nice way to unwind after a long day.

Song of the Day
In light of tonight’s gaming and as a nod to , we’ll make today’s song Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon.

Stray Toasters

  • I understand – and fully appreciate – the concept of pedestrians having the right of way in crosswalks, but it amazes me how people will come to a dead stop in the middle of the street when someone even looks like they are considering crossing the street at a place other than a crosswalk. I mean, I believe in courtesy, but that’s a bit much.
  • Funny.
  • We were talking about the Street Fighter and Tekken video games earlier. I was more of a Street Fighter fan. *shrug* My favorite character was Chun Li…. or “Thunder-Kick Barbie” as my friends and I called her. Of course, between those games and SoulBlade/SoulCalibur… SoulBlade/Calibur wins. Easily.
  • I was checking out Micros on the MicroHeroes Group page over the weekend and someone posted a Micro of Captain Confederacy. I haven’t seen an issue of that in many years. It was set in an alternate timeline and was about a hero (and later heroine) from the Confederate States of America… a CSA that remained separate from the USA after the Civil War. The issues that I read (and bought) were done through Marvel Comics’ Epic Line and featured the female Captain. Even more noteworthy was that she was African-American. As I recall, it was a good read.
  • Spree. The candy.
  • : According to Merriam-Webster Online, a condiment is: “..something used to enhance the flavor of food.” By that rationale, sugar and sugar substitutes could be considered condiments. And, thus, they would be suitable for use as Justice.

Quote of the Day
“Yellow is a genital color.”
(as told James Howard by a someone only referred to as “Babe.”)

And with that, Guten Nacht.
