Tuesday – 06 September 2011
Today’s the day: SaraRules! is getting induced this evening. Sometime within the next… let’s say 24-36 hours, for the sake of argument… we’ll be parents. To twins. Wow. I’ve been getting lots of “Are you nervous” inquiries from family, friends and coworkers. The simple answer has been “Not yet,” with the expectation that I most likely will be nervous/anxious when we get to the hospital.

This past weekend was good. Nothing like a solid four-day weekend to help you get ready for – or at least (somewhat) relaxed before – having kids. As much as anything can get you “ready” for having kids. But…

  • …bags have been packed
  • …bassinets have been moved
  • …car seats have been installed

…among other details. So, we’re about as ready as we’re going to get.

Stray Toasters
