Tell us how you really feel…
comics and animation, everyday glory, football, games, geekery, news and info, science and technology, The Covet List, workout April 28th, 2008Monday – 28 April 2008
- Pronunciation: \in-ˈdəlj\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·dulged; in·dulg·ing - Etymology: Latin indulgēre to be complaisant
- Date: circa 1623
1a: to give free rein to b: to take unrestrained pleasure in : gratify
2a: to yield to the desire of : humor <please indulge me for a moment> b: to treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or considerationintransitive verb: to indulge oneself
That’s exactly what I did this morning: Indulged myself with staying in bed. Forty-five whole extra minutes. Alarm? Yep, it was set. And it went off. A few times.
Didn’t matter.
Didn’t care.
This morning was about enjoying the last vestiges of the first full good night’s sleep that I’ve had in almost a week. And it was totally worth it. As an added bonus, I got to spend a little more time with SaraRules. Can’t beat that at twice the price, either. Sure, it meant a later start to the commute. And a later end to the work day, but like I said:
Didn’t matter.
Didn’t care.
Coming back to a workout after a week off is not fun. Today was no exception. We pretty much did (most of) last Monday’s routine:
- Bench Press (barbell): 3 sets/8 reps – 2.5 sets @225 lbs, half-set @ 185 lbs
- Curls (barbell): 3 sets/10 reps – 2 sets @ 70 lbs, 1 set @ 50 lbs
- Flys (Nautilus): 3 sets/15 reps, 95 lbs
- Curls (dumbbell, Hammer grip): 3 sets, 10 reps, 25 lbs
- Dips: 2 sets, 20 reps & 15 reps
Post-workout weight: 170.2 lbs.
(If nothing else, not having an appetite for four days helped get rid of a few pounds…)
Home. Everything seems to be in one piece. That’s a good sign.
Stray Toasters
- Thanks to an excellent suggestion from
, The Covet List is now being given form as my Amazon Wish List. - America’s Dirty Little Oil Secret: Plastic Bottles and Bags
- Chris and I are playing ‘Clix tomorrow. I get to try out Galactus. I should probably bone up on the special rules for him before we play…
- Apple has upgraded the iMac.
, can you explain why your team gave up all their draft picks until the fourth round?! - Guilty: Jury Convicts Reiser of First-Degree Murder
- Wow… sounds like my desk:
- I’ve mentioned
before, but you should also check out Brad Guigar’s other comics, Courting Disaster and Phables.
- Even though the content is often very similar, I think that I like Gizmodo a little better than Engadget.
And now, to see if I can figure out what sounds good for dinner…
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