The Dead Boarder Beatdown
everyday glory, games January 22nd, 20252025-01-22 – Wednesday
Last night, I gathered with my fellow Call of Cthulhu Cultists for a simple one-shot adventure.

(Image credit: @Chaosium)
Did I say, “One-Shot?”
I meant, ” Neverending battle.”
We were investigating the death of an associate, when said associate decided to be un-unalive. In front of us. Madness ensued, complete with horrific nightmarish images and sounds. And then, as such things do, a fight broke out.
Punches were thrown. Books were thrown. Bookcases were thrown. During the melee, I remembered that, much like Janie, my character had a gun. I attempted to use it. Operative word: “Attempted.” You may be asking, “Why did you only attempt to use it?” And that’s a great question. The answer is even more spectacular. And it is at this point, that I should note that my character had a 60% proficiency with his firearm, meaning that I simply needed to roll a 60 or lower on percentile dice. Keep that number in mind…
First round, I walked up to the creature-that-was-formerly-a-friend and pulled the trigger, point blank. I rolled a 92. MISS.
Second round: Repositioned for another point blank attempt. 98. Another miss.
Third round: Do you recall that I mentioned bookcases being thrown about? Right. By the time my next action rolled around, the bookcase had been flipped onto the creature – it was on its back, face up. Pinned. Honestly, opportunities don’t get any better than this! I walked up to the creature, put the barrel upon its brow….
One Hundred.
The gun exploded in my hand.
So. Many. Expletives.
The battle raged on. We did, finally, manage to dispatch the creature, with the help of the local constabulary, at the following costs:
- My gun-mangled hand;
- Party Member #2 caused… about 85% damage to Party Member #3 by both flipping a bookcase on them AND by setting them on fire (not entirely intentionally, but still);
- Party Member #2 was ripped in half (think Freddie Krueger- or Wolverine-style) by the creature; and
- Party Member #3’s last few hit points were drained by friendly fire, when the police arrived and opened fire to take down the bloated, bleeding, horrific undead creature;
- Party Member #4 escaped unscathed. Somehow.
Gaming everybody! 🙂
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