Today’s highlight: Picking up the twins from the vet. We had them declawed and had their plumbing reworked so that there will be no incest kittens. (NOTE: We chose to have them declawed; if you’re not a fan of declawing, I respect that and expect the same type of respect for our choice in reciprocity.) Unlike when we brought Sissy and Xena home from their appointment, the twins have been moderately active… at least as active as their “kitty Lortab” will let them be. Maybe this even means that we will get a kitten wrestling-free night of sleep!

I talked with Mom and my stepfather this evening. All seems well on the eastern front. Mom also said that Kris is adjusting to her new place and law school.

Stray Toasters

  • The great domain migration (Thanks, !) is under way. Sometime over the course of the next few days, some of the images in my posts might go *pfft*. I’ll do what I can to put them into the proper places, post transfer.
  • : I saw this and immediately thought of you.
  • : This one’s for you.
  • Wow.
  • I have a mansion, forget the price…
    I’ve never been there, they tell me it’s nice.

  • It was bound to happen, someone was bound to do it: Cherry has designed a Linux keyboard.
  • Get a girlfriend, you’ll understand.
  • The Virtual Toilet Paper Museum

It’s MUCH later than I had thought. And that means…. Bedtime!
