It was a good day.
Nothing too much out of the ordinary happened.

Stray Toasters

  • A post-work stop at the library yielded Robert B. Parker’s Back Story (a Spenser novel) and Piers Anthony’s With a Tangled Skein, both on CD.
  • In the words of Morris Day: “Whose drawers? MY drawers! (Slap me!)”
    (Big Headed)

  • : I saw this and thought that you would appreciate it.
  • : I apologize in advance for this, but it made me laugh.
  • I reread Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown (1, 2, 3, 4) last week; I hadn’t read it in many years. It’s an unlikely buddy story featuring one of Marvel Comics’ most famous (and favored) characters and one who has lived in his more famous older brother’s (Cyclops) shadow. One of the neat things about this mini-series is that it was painted… by two artists: Jon J. Muth did the Havok art, Kent Williams did the Wolverine art. And this was years before Alex Ross became the de facto pinnacle of painted comicdom. The story is full of end-of-the Cold War themes, but it is not too over the top. Nor does it reek of superheroes and spandex – it has more of an espionage/thriller feel to it. It was worth reading again.
  • Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time
  • Back to comics-related stuff, for a sec. I came across Gay League somewhere during today’s surfing. As the site describes itself:

    The Gay League is an online community for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Transsexual, and just plain friendly comic fans, collectors and creators worldwide. The purpose of the Gay League is to have a safe, hate-free, fun environment to read about, discuss, review, discover, trade, buy, sell, and learn information about comics – and make some friends online along the way.

    And that seems pretty damned cool to me.

  • sent me this. She’s my little sister and I love her dearly, but… *sigh* As it was playing, I had an even worse thought: If they ever did a live-action South Park movie, they should cast Mr. T as Chef.

Quote of the Day
“Yeah, I understand. As if.” – Spike Spiegel, Cowboy Bebop
