Overall, it was a decent day.

Stray Toasters

  • : I found the official WHR site.
  • There was a link to The Order of the Stick on squidi.net. Like any good and inquisitive lemming denizen of the Internet, I clicked on it. And I was amused.
  • Calvin and Hobbes. Fight Club.
    You might think that they have nothing in common. According to this link, forwarded to me by , you’ll see some eerie connections.

  • News of the Week from SciFi.
  • “Brooke.” Deviant behavior. 10% poverty. Natural disasters.
  • I like John Singleton as a director; I think that he’s quite talented. He’s doing a movie based on Marvel Comics’ Luke Cage. He made a few teasing comments about the film in an interview on Comics Continuum. However, I got a little scared when I read:

    “It’s a fun movie. It’s hip. It’s so cool,” Singleton said. “Imagine if 50 Cent got super-powers.

    Blood… runs… cold.

  • I’m still taking suggestions for new user icons.
