Let the church say “Amen.” Mm-hmm. Amen. Amen, choir.
Now turn with me to the Book of Weekend, Chapter 8, Verse 27…

The day was pretty good. I got a few things accomplished today. That’s always a “good” thing.

Tonight’s coffee was small: , , and me. And I did some drawing for the first time in far too long. Must practice more…

Lightning seems to be favoring a paw a little; the vet said to call back if he’s not feeling better after the weekend. But, he’s still been an attention whore. So has Presto. And, oddly enough, Sissy, too…. when the twins aren’t around.

Stray Toasters
Tonight’s edition of Stray Toasters has been pre-empted.
Instead, we present: Sleep – Til the Sun Creeps over the Mountains.

Tune in tomorrow for our regularly-scheduled programming.
