Friday – 13 March 2009
Another 9/80 Friday begins. This morning, I had Jonathan Coulton’s Skullcrusher Mountain playing in my head as I got ready for work. (I’m currently listening to 2112, so it’s been a win-win kind of morning, musically.)

I arrived at the office and discovered that I was the first person here. It wasn’t the lack of  lighting that gave it away – lights can be on in one area, but not another. No, I was informed of this by the way the alarm beeped at me when I opened the door. It was at that moment that I remembered something that had been nagging me for a couple of weeks:

I didn’t remember the disarm code.

I entered what I thought was the code. Strike one.
I tried another code. Strike two.


One more chance to get it right before security and/or the police showed up. I am going to assume that the two synapses that rubbed together to form “a clue” were just on a coffee break, because I got the right code on the third try. I just hope that the rest of the day is relatively less eventful that that.

Stray Toasters

Time to see what (other) kinds of trouble I can get into…
