
I got back from Moab earlier this evening; I am tired and sore. Very. My shoulders and back are a bit achy from this week’s installations. My quads hurt and I have “biker butt” from today’s ride on Klondike Bluffs Trail. ‘s father took me riding up there this afternoon. The ride kicked my ass eight ways from Sunday. I have no problem admitting that Rich rode circles around me. Hell… he rode dodecahedrons around me. But, I rode. Slowly. And with stops. And I walked the bike up some of the hills. But I made it. And it was fun. I’ll try to get the pictures up this weekend.

<Note to self>
Next time you ask about a slickrock ride, remember that her idea of “not a bad hill” doesn’t necessarily match your idea of “not a bad hill.” Also remember that she and her family like uphill climbs. Do more leg work and cardio.
</Note to self>

Other than that, all seems to be pretty much well with the world.

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