A day. That’s about the best way to describe it: “It was ‘a day.'” We started having a problem with some shipping software yesterday. It basically told us all to “sod off” and then it basically ignored us and it’s server and just about everything else. So, I called the shipper’s tech support line today. I spent about a total of two hours on the phone, but got the problem resolved. Otherwise, the day was more or less uneventful. I even managed to slip out of work a little early.

Song of the Day

  • Where Has Everybody Gone by the Pretenders
  • Where’s My Thing by Rush
  • …and of course, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego by Rockapella

NPR/PRI Stories
The only program that I got to listen to this afternoon was All Things Considered. There were a couple of rather interesting topics:

  • Spending Bill Seeks to Limit the Pentagon’s TIA Plans
  • Nebraska Senator Proposes a Bill to Pay College Football Players
    What in the Nine Hells?!? I listened to his argument and thought that he was a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

  • And as if that wasn’t “interesting” enough, the next story was about cities and states levying a Jock Tax, which charges athletes from visiting teams a tax when they play in whatever place charges said tax. This one just about blew me away as much as the previous story.
  • If you read the story at the link that I mention below (in Stray Toasters), you should also listen to the stories about A Jittery America Braces for Potential Attacks and Duct and Cover?

Stray Toasters

  • Today was one of my sisters’ (the one in the Ukraine) 25th birthday. She turned 25. Wow. I can still remember seeing her at the hospital for the first time – she stuck her tongue out (I still find that amusing). And thus did the legendary relationship/rivalry begin…
  • A hearty “Good try” goes out to and for attempting to guess the Jimmy Buffet song that I was thinking of last night. They both guessed Margaritaville, which was an admirable guess. But incorrect. The correct song was Boat Drinks.
  • Jess and I surprised each other tonight: I came home early from work; she fixed a dinner with things from the local Honeybaked Ham store (and it was quite tasty).
  • posted a link to this in her journal today. Interesting reading.
  • I watched CSI for the second or third time tonight. I liked it; I may add it to my “Things to Watch” list. The fun thing was watching it “with” a friend of mine from home. I think that our airings were about 0:30 out of synch (since he’s two time zones away), but it was fun.

Tomorrow is Friday. Hallelujah. And maybe… just maybe… I won’t have to go in on Saturday. But, as the Sting song says: “Tomorrow, we’ll see…” For now, however, I am going to look up a few more things about setting up an Apache server on my Linux box and then call it a night.
