Tuesday – 17 April 2007
Today started late.

No, that’s not right.

I started the day late. There, that’s better. I slept in this morning. A little more than I had intended, but hey… it’s sleep. I opted to skip coffee this morning; we’ll see how wise a decision that was.

While most of the road monkeys behaved themselves – as much as they ever do – there was one standout in the crowd. Brave. Bold. Stupid. I’m not sure which, but he was definitely marching to his own drummer. Coming out of Salt Lake County into Utah County on I-15, you drive down the southern face of Traverse Mountain. There was a line of semis (most of which were hauling two trailers) in the second lane from the right. Near the front of this line, a van slides in between two of the semis. And I do mean “slide.” There couldn’t have been more than four feet of space between the van and the semi that he pulled in front of. And the semi didn’t slow down. I don’t know if the van driver had balls of steel or a really good supply of Depends®, but he stayed right there. Four feet in front of that semi. And didn’t flinch.

Last night was D&D night. We started late – and there was a good bit of tangentially related silliness involved – but we did accomplish part of our goal – we made it to a dragon’s lair. (No, Dirk the Daring wasn’t there, nor was Singe or Princess Daphne.) The dragon, however, was quite dead. Actually, it was a bit undead. But that’s another story. Another reason that we went was to seek out a particular sword. While others in the party were talking, I decided to check some notes that I’d written a couple of months ago… because there was something in the back of my head that said “Something about this isn’t quite right.” Then I saw it: We had been told – in fairly certain terms – that the sword we were after had been stolen from the dragon’s lair a few centuries back. So, that part of the trip was a wash. *braincramp* We may be able to get a lead on who took it and/or where it went, but we’re effectively back at Square One on the sword quest. Yay.

Tonight brings a trip the driving range. The Shadowrun game is going on hiatus, for the time being. (This means that I don’t have to rush at the range tonight. Bonus!)
Stray Toasters

  • I know that I’ve called Hover the second most-stupid super power ever, behind super-breath, but this made me chuckle:
  • Speaking of Shadowrun, this is what happens when people can’t separate their “real life” from their “fantasy life.”
  • “That’s no access tunnel. But you’ll find that out about… now.” *zombie attack*
  • How come you never hear about anyone getting eaten by a grue anymore?
