Just after leaving the apartment complex this morning, I realized that I had left my phone at home. So… I flipped a U and headed back. As I approached the entrance to the complex, I saw a vehicle waiting to get out. Due to the uneven grade between the complex pavement and the newly paved road, the vehicle was taking up about 3/4 of the available space of the entrance. Under normal conditions, this wouldn’t have bothered me – it’s understandable that a driver wouldn’t want to scrape the undercarriage of her or is car. This was an SUV, however. PLENTY of ground clearance. Idiotstick.

The yawning girl at the bus stop. Wide-mouthed and unashamed. It made me grin.

Another Utah driver moment: A woman passes – two lanes to my left – to get in front of a double-trailered semi… cut back across two lanes of traffic…. and make a right-lane exit. In less than a quarter of a mile. Oh yeah, she almost cut off another truck in the process. Idiotstick.

For : Conscience. Jar. Pantry.
I just saw that she quoted me earlier. *amused*

If you haven’t taken a crack at the poll that I posted last night, take a look and weigh in.

Lake smell. The Harbor back home never smelled this bad.
Dead brine shrimp + wind blowing from the northwest = *ACK*

::: addendum :::
Some of our customers…. *sigh*
Some of the questions that they ask…. *sigh*
How much is the shipping to… Address X? As with 99.954387% of all eBay auctions, the shipping information is at the bottom of the auction text! SCROLL DOWN!
General questions about a given item? You’re already online. Access to the answers to most (95%+) of the questions are at your bloody fingertips, you gits! You can look it up on the manufacturer’s site or on any of a bazillion review/opinion sites.