Friday – 12 October 2007
And… another week draws to a close.

Another night of not-so-great sleep.  I’m not really sure “why,” I didn’t have anything caffeine-laden before bed.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I kept waking up with the feeling that I was going to be late for something.  *shrug*

The work day has been good – a nice mix of reading and server admin work to move the day along nicely.  And it’s been monkey-free and that’s always a good thing on a Friday.

We (the IT team) had lunch at Pawit’s.  Mmm, Thai.  It didnt dawn on my that it was the same Pawit who used to be at Thai Garden until I walked in the door and saw him standing there.  As usual, the food was quite good.

Stray Toasters
There was something that I wanted to put here… but I can’t remember what it was.

And that’s that.

Time to finish a few things, get out of here and get on the road.

See you on the other side of Sunday.
