Sunday – 12 December 2010
So far, it’s been a good day.  Of course, I just woke up… so, there hasn’t been a lot going on. But, as the commercial says: “The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup waking up,” so I seem to be batting 1.000 so far.

Yesterday was a shopping day. We got a fair portion of Christmas shopping done for members of the family. We also went to Abravanel Hall to see Holiday Celibration with Jerry .

The concert featured Angela Theis and Kate Tombaugh (the two of the Resident Artists from Utah Opera), Karen Brookens (Weber State University Asst. Professor of Music), Brent Reilly Turner (also from Utah Opera), the West Jordan High School Concert Choir and their choral director, Kelly DeHaan. It was a fun concert, with a nice mix of sacred and secular music; among the notable selections:

  • Angela, Kate and Karen performed a lovely three-part lead to O Come, All Ye Faithful, backed by the choir;
  • The ladies also sang Handel’s Come Unto Him, from Messiah and a swing version of Up on the Housetop, in the manner of the Andrews Sisters;
  • Brent performed a sung/spoken rendition of The Polar Express, backed by the choir; and
  • The soloists performed The Twelve Days After Christmas, which was… different and amusing.

It was a nice way to spend the evening.

Stray Toasters

just suggested making a trek to The Garden of Sweden. And with that, it’s time to start getting ready to face day.
