Uber-lazy day. I slept in until 11:00, although I’m not really sure that I can call it “sleeping in” when I didn’t get to bed until a little after 5:00 AM. *shrug* The kittens slept on and around the bed. They seem to like “hiding” in the box spring. But they can be coaxed out fairly easily. Sissy, on the other hand, still seems to be a bit put off by them. Oh, well.

Thanks to those who have participated in the Kittens’ Names poll. So far, my favorite for the white kitten is “Elric,” submitted by . I’m still a bit up in the air about the orange one, though. ( will probably find amusement in the fact that the name “Carabas,” crossed my mind.) A few people have asked about some of his personality traits and said to consider naming him based on that. The thing that comes to mind is how he was playing on the steps last night. He was… hmm… “hyperkinetic” is the only word that really fits. Watching him jump around, I was concerned that he might have been bitten by a radioactive spider. Fortunately, I haven’t noticed any web-spinning.

The day has been good:

  • I lazed around the house this morning and early afternoon.
  • I finally got the X-Men lithos hung. I still need to determine where the Darkseid cel is going.
  • I had lunch with Jess and Mary, followed by short excursions to Lowe’s and Shopko.
  • Picked up my “Free Slurpee® Day” Slurpee.
  • Talked with my uncle.
  • Talked with Dad, Rana (she’s stateside again) and Adam.

I’ll most likely spend some time getting the office situated and I might even see about doing something to the living room and family room. Maybe. Depending on how industrious I’m feeling.

Stray Toasters

‘s here. So I’m off to be social.
