Last night, I had something happen that I wasn’t expecting: I was visited by three (3) missionaries. THREE. Sister missionaries, at that. Okay… no big deal there. They’ve stopped here before, I’ve spoken with them and explained that I am not LDS and that I am quite happy with the Baptist church, we talk for a few more minutes and they leave shortly thereafter. I have no problems discussing comparative religion with others; I enjoy learning where ideologies differ. I do have a problem with someone attempting to force their views on me. I don’t force mine on others; if they ask, I’ll share otherwise I try to take a “live and let live” stance.

The thing that irritates me is: Someone, and I have yet to find out whom, apparently decided to call a number and request a copy of The Book of Mormon in my name. How do I know that someone else did it? Let’s see:

  1. I have never been inclined to request a copy of the book; there is at least one copy here already.
  2. She said that she “…had a note that I called a number to request a copy” of the book. She seemed a little surprised when I said that I hadn’t called.
  3. One of the sisters asked for me by name. More specifically, she asked for me familiarly. Not by the name that I give when ordering things online or over the phone.

Let’s just say that I was not pleased. In fact, I’m still mildly torqued by it. Whomever it was apparently thought that it would be a cute joke. Pray, for their sake, that I don’t find out whom it was as they are apparently not familiar with my ideas on vengeance.

Stray Toasters
