I feel much better today. I think that I’m back up to at least 85% of normal. True, it’s not all the way back, but it is leaps and bounds better than I felt yesterday.

Song of the Day
In light of me getting over whatever it was that I had, The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails (from the Lost Highway Soundtrack) is today’s choice for SotD. (And, just for the record: Vitamin C and Tums® were the drugs of choice.)

Stray Toasters

  • I watched part of the original Ocean’s Eleven yesterday. I think that I will have to add that to the DVD collection. The movie even featured Cesar Romero in a pre-“Batman” role; I couldn’t *quite* place who he was without the chalk-white makeup and green hair, though. Thank you, IMDb!.
  • Sissy, the Wonder Kitty, kept me company for most of yesterday. When I was sprawled out on the futon and napped, she curled up on my computer chair and did the same. It was cute.
  • Martin Sargent, from TechTV’s The Screen Savers had a “wish list” of items that can only be referred to as “odd” or “unusual.”

Okay, that’s all for now. I’m off to attempt to put in a few hours at work and then… hmmm… I don’t know. I’m sure that I can come up with something to keep me occupied for a while this evening.
