Saturday : 17 December 05
It’s been a good – and productive – day.

I had lunch with and . Good food and good company. After that, it was off to Dr. Volt’s to pick up my four-color print goodness. I also picked up three Heroclix:

Then, it was time to get some Christmas shopping taken care of. And, I got a good portion of it wrapped up in fairly short order. There are still a couple of loose ends to tie up, but I’m pretty much set at this point.

For the big finale: My reservations for flying home are set. I leave Saturday morning, bright and early. I was able to get a flight into Greensboro for a decent fare; I was floored by that. And, I’ll be there in plenty of time to go to Midnight Mass with my uncle.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Tonight’s gem comes from Melody, manager of the Village Inn that we frequent; she was talking to Patrick:

“I’m going to have to move your sack of goodness!

She was referring to a bag of Christmas goodies that he had sitting next to him. But, it’s more amusing to add it to the Overheard Unintentional Porn list.
