Sunday : 05 Sunday 2006
Today started as a lazy day. Then there came preparations for…

Oscar Party 2006 at Steve and John’s. Once again, I’ll say: “These guys throw the Best Oscar parties.” I think that John said that there were roughly 100 people there. And “there” has changed a lot since the last time that I visited: They have completely redone the walls and ceilings in a couple of the rooms (one room took 14 coats of paint!) and the effect is simply astounding. And the back yard… Wow. Plenty of food and drink. Our table had a fun group of people at it, which made the event fun. As a added bonus, I got to see a few people from the REC with whom I had lost touch; that was cool. And, I even won one of the post-party prize baskets; it wasn’t one for the most number of correct Oscar guesses, it was one of the “raffle” ones. But, I still won one. And that’s pretty cool to me.

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with both my dad and my uncle today. Both are doing well.
  • The Simpsons come to life – Live-action Simpsons
  • While reading Newsarama’s “Crisis Counseling” article for Infinite Crisis #5, I saw this comment that made me laugh. It was about Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who left a Mass-like service of most of DC’s heroes:

    Q: Why did Hal Jordan take off before the Amen, though?

    A: Good question. Hals a complex cookie, especially since his return to this world. But lets consider he went mad and killed a lot of his friends (so you could argue that he still has some guilt about it and doesn’t feel like he belongs in a house of God); he served as the host for the Spectre, which gave him a rather intimate look at the workings of Gods mysterious ways as he exacted justice (which is probably akin to liking sausage, but then not liking it after you see how its made); or heck, maybe he had to pee.

    …and then there was this quip about Lex Luthor’ fashion sense:

    Q: Uh, Luthor’s duds?

    A: Yeah apparently, hes only a super genius in certain areas, and fashion is not one of them. Sure, sure, putting Luthor in the purple and green is a nod back to the Silver Age stuff, and Luthor’s original bad guy costume, but jeez. Could we have seen the moment where Luthor was constructing his suit, thinking, Green unitard, purple overshirt, high collar, straps across chest.GENIUS! (that last part is really a lot funnier if you say it out loud, getting more excited as you go, and then kind of sing “GEEEEN-IUS!”. Trust us.)

  • Adult Gamers and Their Ulterior Motives for Gaming
  • New Avengers: Illuminati Sneak Preview
  • No Backdoor to Windows Vista
  • Battlestar Galactica set visit with Mary McDonnell
  • By way of Wired: The Best: Accidental Discoveries

And with that, the curtain goes down.
