Sunday – 11 March 2007
So far, it’s been a fairly lax day. I slept until 9:40 10:40, got up, observed the hygiene rituals… and then sat around for a bit. I decided that I wanted to get out and do something… but wasn’t sure exactly “what.” Then, I decided that I wanted to draw; I haven’t really done any of that in a while. I could go to the library or Borders and just hang out. Cool, there was the tentative plan, all that remained was to set it in motion.

Which means: I sat around for a bit longer.

messaged me a short while later and said that she was thinking of heading to Borders herself. I told her that I was thinking of heading there and so, we decided to meet up there and hang out for a while. Which we did. And… AND… I managed to actually get some drawing done. It was just a couple of headshots… okay, one-and-a-half, but that’s not the point. The point is: I drew.

And that’s a good thing.

Stray Toasters

  • I’m (more than) “a little” irritated: I talked with Mom yesterday.  That wasn’t the irritating point.  Quite the contrary, in fact… it was a very good thing to talk with her.  The irritating point was a bit of news that she shared:  Someone broke into my great-grandmother’s house.

    The house has been empty for a number of years, but it was still fully-furnished and had lots of momentos and memorabilia in it.  The house had been under the care/watch of a trusted friend of the family, in our absence.  This person, however, passed away not too long ago.  Apparently, the people who broke in knew this… and took advantage of the fact.  *sigh*  There’s a chance – a slim one, but a chance, nonetheless – that they might be able to recover some of the stolen property – it seems as though the  identity of the perpetrators may be known.  We’ll have to see.

    So, now Mom has to go there this week to file all of the necessary reports… and then she and my uncle are going back next weekend to figure out what to do with the rest of the property.  Yay.

  • The Luckiest Man in the World
  • I hadn’t heard of a Fire Rainbow before this, but it looks pretty cool.  And, according to, they really do occur.
  • For (and tyranist, if he should happen to see this…): 15 Best Bond Gadgets of All Time
  • 20 Must-Have Firefox Extensions
  • I was checking out a little earlier and found a link to: A Web Developer’s Cheat Sheet List
  • I’ve heard of theme hotels before; there are at least three or four here in the greater SLC-Ogden area… but I think that this hotel in Berlin takes the cake.  or , have either of you heard of this place?
  • Top 12 Weird Japanese Inventions
  • Toy Story 3.  Right.

Off to find out what kind of trouble I can get into.
