Where did the weekend go?
Oh yeah: Moab and Thompson.

Today was errand-running day. Of course, that didn’t start until after sleeping in. Until 10:30. In a bed, not a sleeping bag (although it was fun). Selah.

Then, the fun began: When shaving, I tried to carve my initials into my head. Well, not really. But, I did manage to cut myself on the back of my head. I did a good enough job to warrant sporting a bandage. A couple of people have suggested that I forego my Green Lantern costume this Hallowe’en and go as Marcellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction instead. I found this amusing. Promising, but amusing. I’m still planning on wearing the black and green, however.

Tonight, there was poker. It was a small group, but it was fun. When and The LJer Formerly Known as “xstillbornx” arrived, I asked them to help me move the entertainment center that we got from Kate and Perry. It looks nice in its new location. Now we just have to figure out what we are going to do with the old one. , do you remember that crate of A/V cables that you gave me before you moved? The one that I said that I would never need? Well, some of them got used tonight. Go figure.

Stray Toasters

  • We let Sissy and the twins play in the back yard for a while this evening. Sissy has a… habit (?)… of rolling around on the concrete for a few minutes when she first gets out. The twins stalk bugs flying over the grass – and each other – before bounding all over the yard.
  • : A couple of Legion-related things for you: 1, 2
  • : A little bit of Harley Quinn for you.
  • “Maybe like this…?”

  • Frog. Smile. Pleasure robot.
    Disjointed? Just a bit. But still pretty damned amusing.

  • Allosaurus for President
  • Once in a Lifetime came on the radio today. Whenever I hear it, I still picture Kermit the Frog performing it on Muppets Tonight. And I laugh.
  • Wombats!
  • Suddenly, ahead of me, across the mountainside…
  • After I set up the entertainment center, I turned on the A/V equipment to make sure that I hadn’t miswired things and inadvertantly created an evil artificial lifeform. (The jury’s still out on the sentience, but the equipment did work as expected.) I flipped channels on the satellite dish and wound up on SciFi. “The Day of the Dove,” an episode of Star Trek: TOS was on. It featured Kang, a Klingon captain with a mad-on the size of a small planet for Kirk. I couldn’t recall the details, but I was sure that he had either appeared on another episode of TOS. So, I looked it up. He didn’t. BUT… he was on an episode of Voyager and DS9. And, he was played by the same actor, Micheal Ansara, on all three shows; I thought that was pretty cool.

Quote of the Day
I was perusing random sites of Dragon*Con 2004 pictures when I came across the following on The Wing Commander CIC site:

Hades: Porn stars are there too. They don’t whip out their breasts at the con though.
Blonde: At least not that we know of.
ace: They probably have too much self-respect.
LOAF: Porn stars have self respect in much the same way as a caterpiller may someday become a bulldozer.
