I went to Borders, but I didn’t get much drawing done; my friend Angela met me there and we chatted the time away.

A small army of us went to see Matrix Revolutions. I’m a little mixed on this one: I was satisfied with most of the movie, but certain parts left me feeling… unfulfilled. I would watch it again, especially since we were sitting on the front row in the theatre; it would be nice to see the movie without looking up Morpheus and Neo’s noses. I would buy it to complete our DVD set. On the whole, I’d give it a passing grade on the report card, but comments would say “Could use improvement.”

Post-movie fare was at one of the local IHOP restaurants. We were joined by and Young Mister Gabe, one of the (if not THE) best-mannered two-year-olds that I know. It was a good dinner with good company.

Football Update
I was 1 for 3 today. The Ravens and Dolphins both took one in the “Losses” column, while the Panthers took a win.

In a related note, Bret called me to tell me that the Steelers finally won a game… and that they were closing the gap. But, as Jerry Reed sang in Smokey and the Bandit: They “…got a long way to go, and a short time to get there.” And, Baltimore is still leading the division.

I’m not sure what I want to do with the next few hours before bed. I think that I want to play a game, but I don’t know which one. Decisions, decisions…
