Monday – 04 December 2006
Another week begins.

Sunday was pretty laid back.  I consider that a good way to spend the end of your weekend.  I slept in a bit.  I lounged a bit.   I went to coffee with Perry.  I introduced to Game Pedler and Greywhale and the art of shopping for used – I mean “previously owned” -  videogames.  I shopped for groceries.  I watched Without a Trace.  I spent way too much time checking out a build for a new character in City of Heroes.  I don’t have an origin story for him… yet… but I’ll get there, eventually.  And then, there is the concept for the other hero that I have in mind.  *sigh*

Stray Toasters

Time to make like the cast from The Wiz (the broadway play, not the movie…) and Ease on Down the Road.
