Tuesday : 07 November 2006
Two days down, three to go. Work was pretty good. I put Ye Olde Tetris skills to work in trying to organize three workspaces. I’m satisfied with what got accomplished, but there’s still some work to be done. All in due time, I guess.

Election Day. I listened as some of my coworkers talked about the new Diebold touchscreen voting systems that were being used here. Some places had technology issues. Some places had poll officials who were not the most tech-savvy of people. But, on the whole, they seemed more or less satisfied with the new systems. I went to vote after work. I pretty much got right in and right out. And, it was pretty painless, too. I’ll be curious to see how other states’ elections went, if they used the electronic systems.

Tonight saw the official start of Chris’ Robotech game. So far, so good. Our characters are all together. It sounds like we’ll be hitting the ground running next time.

Stray Toasters

  • I’m tired, but I am not sleepy. So, I guess I’ll find something to do for the next little bit to help me wind down.
  • Green butterflies.
  • 10 Reasons to Buy a DSLR Camera
  • I (re)discovered a few CDs that I made many rains ago. They found their way into the CD player in the car this morning.
  • Giant list of palindromes
  • The new Spider-Man 3 trailer will be out on 09 November 2006.
