Wednesday : 08 March 06
Three down, two to go. Not a bad Wednesday. Nothing to complain about from the work day or the post-work day. I consider that to be a “good” thing.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
In an effort to get rid of that pesky 37,000 points of experience debt that I had accrued, I went on patrol in Paragon City. I met up with a friend and we beat in the heads of some of Paragon’s less-than-upstanding citizens. After he logged off, I joined another team and fought against the Banished Pantheon. We fought well and took them down without too much ado. When that team broke up, a couple of us decided to take on a few more missions. By the time I left Paragon City, I was down to 1,700 points of experience debt and less than 30,000 points away from my dress uniform… I mean “Security Level 30.”

Stray Toasters

  • I haven’t accidentally typed “Stray Taoists” in a while.
  • iPodMAME
  • Since I’m a Star Trek buff (and since everyone else did it), I took the “Which Star Trek Character Are You?” Quiz.

    Your results:
    You are James T. Kirk (Captain)

    James T. Kirk (Captain)
    Will Riker
    Deanna Troi
    Geordi LaForge
    Jean-Luc Picard
    Mr. Scott
    Mr. Sulu
    Beverly Crusher
    Leonard McCoy (Bones)
    An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
    You are often exaggerated and over-the-top
    in your speech and expressions.
    You are a romantic at heart and a natural leader.

    Click here to take the “Which Star Trek character are you?” quiz…

  • g0t porn? Thanks to a security leak of over 17 million iBill records, almost anyone else can find out.
  • For the WoW kids: World of Warcraft… as a text adventure
  • Chips and salsa.
  • Hindu Muslim Catholic Creation Evolutionist
  • A few of us at work are railroad buffs. We were talking last week about private passenger railcars and how much we thought it would take to buy one. The topic came up again today… so I checked.
  • Ebenezer gives insight into what goes on in the mind of every cat…

  • Who turned Utah’s thermostat down again?
  • Another coworker is a comic book fan, too. We were discussing the Newsarama article about Lex Luthor’s attire (quoted in Sunday’s entry), when he came up with the following:

    (4:27:34 PM) Matt: Is Luthor sewing this stuff himself? He can’t be renting it from somewhere, I suppose. Somewhere in that battle armor is a little sewing kit. One of these days Frank Quitely is going to treat us to the sight of Luthor deftfully stitching his costume together, sitting demurely in a rocking chair, and humming ABBA tunes.

    Naturally, that led to other thoughts on the matter…

    [13:46] I was thinking about what you said about Lex sitting around the house, working on his costume and realized that you had the makings for a sitcom: “Life with Luthor” (or “Life with Lex”)
    [13:47] Lex: “MEERRRRCYYYYYY! Have you seen the polish for my battle armor!?!?!”
    [13:47] Mercy Graves: “Oh, Leeeeeeeex. It’s down in the workshop, on the shelf. Right where you left it.”
    [13:47] Lex: What?! *looks* Why… you’re right! Silly me.
    [13:47] *laughter*
    [13:48] Lex: “What would I do without you?”
    [13:48] *fade to black*


    (1:45:57 PM) Matt: Sounds like Superman I. Miss Tessmacher!
    (1:46:20 PM) : True. But there would be NO Otis.
    (1:46:34 PM) Matt: Otis could be the neighbor kid who always comes over uninvited.
    (1:46:43 PM) : Oooh…. okay. I could go for that.
    (1:47:03 PM) Matt: Golly jeepers mither Luthor… that’s a nifty death ray you got there.
    (1:47:13 PM) : Don’t touch that!
    (1:47:17 PM) : *ZAP*
    (1:47:21 PM) : Uh-ohhhhhhhhhh.
    (1:47:27 PM) Matt: Lex! My azaleas!
    (1:47:35 PM) : BWAHAHAHAAH
    (1:47:58 PM) Matt: Comedy gold right there. I don’t know why they missed this direction with Smallville.
    (1:48:08 PM) : Mithter Luthor! Mithter Luthor! Wanna see my bran’ new bike?!
    (1:48:14 PM) : Why that’s a fine bike, Otis.
    (1:48:18 PM) : Here, let me see something.
    (1:48:24 PM) : *tinker tinker tinker*
    (1:48:29 PM) : Here, try it now.
    (1:48:38 PM) : *Otis steps on the bike*
    (1:48:57 PM) : *WHOOOOOSH* (as the bike soars hundreds of feet into the air)
    (1:49:04 PM) : *SPLAT*
    (1:49:10 PM) : Pesky neighborhood kids.
    (1:49:30 PM) : *sigh* MERRRRRRCYYYYYYY! Clean up on Aisle 7. Again.
    (1:49:34 PM) Matt: Don’t forget about the episode where that prick Kent and his wife come over for dinner.
    (1:49:44 PM) Matt: Plenty of awkward silences.
    (1:49:50 PM) Matt: The audiences love that kind of thing.
    (1:50:03 PM) : So, Clark… what have you been up to since we left Smallville?
    (1:50:09 PM) : Well, Lex…. I travel.
    (1:50:10 PM) : A lot.
    (1:50:15 PM) : Lois: A whole lot.
    (1:50:19 PM) Matt: Please, have some kryptonite Jell-O.
    (1:50:28 PM) Matt: I see you’ve brought a pie.
    (1:50:51 PM) : Sure did! It’s Ma’s Rhubarb pie recipe! Have some.
    (1:50:57 PM) : I. Hate. Rhubarb.
    (1:51:01 PM) : Oh.
    (1:51:07 PM) : *uncomfortable silence*
    (1:51:11 PM) : Um.
    (1:51:16 PM) : Well…. heh heh….
    (1:51:24 PM) : How about the Metropolis Stars!?
    (1:51:32 PM) : How about them? I’m thinking of selling them.
    (1:51:53 PM) : They’re a bunch of overpaid, underproducing, whiny gits.
    (1:52:08 PM) : Clark and Lois: Um…. heh heh. Right.
    (1:52:24 PM) : Clark: My! Look at the time. We’d love to stay but we…. um….
    (1:52:33 PM) : Lois: Oh! Right! I’d almost forgotten about that!
    (1:52:37 PM) Matt: I wonder which network should pick this up.
    (1:53:34 PM) Matt: With the demise of WB, where did Smallville land?
    (1:53:49 PM) : The CW
    (1:53:57 PM) : The new WB-UPN hybrid.
    (1:54:00 PM) Matt: Riiiiight.
    (1:54:02 PM) Matt: *shudders*
    (1:54:17 PM) Matt: Direct-to-video, then. Best thing for everyone.
    (1:54:38 PM) : Or HBO.
    (1:54:45 PM) : They’re a Time-Warner company.
    (1:55:03 PM) : Like almost everything else that isn’t Disney-owned.
    (1:55:19 PM) Matt: I thought Disney was a Coca-Cola company.
    (1:55:26 PM) : Newp.
    (1:55:26 PM) Matt: Or was that Westinghouse?
    (1:55:31 PM) : Westinghouse, I think.
    (1:56:18 PM) : Disney owns: ABC, ESPN, Tristar (I think), Buena Vista Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, ABC Family….
    (1:56:37 PM) Matt: And Tunisia.
    (1:56:42 PM) Matt: They got Tunisia recently.
    (1:56:57 PM) : And the Empire grows…
    (1:57:12 PM) Matt: Well then, a perfect match for Lex.


    (10:09:21 AM) : Lex!? Did you take the garbage out?
    (10:09:52 AM) : No! I’m working on my latest evil scheme! I don’t have time to take out the trash! Get that neighbor kid, Otis, to do it!
    (10:10:14 AM) : Now, Lex… you know that you hamstrung him last week. He can’t do it.
    (10:10:40 AM) : Oh. Right. Hm. *mutter mutter* Fine. I’ll take it out.

    (12:12:27 PM) : I was thinking about this concept and realized that there are some villains with whom a sitcom format wouldn’t work.
    (12:12:32 PM) : The Joker, for example.
    (12:12:43 PM) Matt: How could a sitcom not work with the Joker!
    (12:12:55 PM) : Think about it.
    (12:13:01 PM) Matt: Joker’s In Charge!
    (12:13:08 PM) Matt: Leave It to Joker!
    (12:13:15 PM) : It could too easily turn into a slap-happy slapstick gagfest.
    (12:13:28 PM) : I think that it would be better handled as a melodrama.
    (12:13:37 PM) Matt: Well, you might have to sedate the Joker a little to get him down to sitcom level.
    (12:13:39 PM) : Oh. I got it….. SOAP Opera.
    (12:13:45 PM) : As the Joker Kills
    (12:13:57 PM) : Hope for the Joker
    (12:14:00 PM) : All My Jokers
    (12:14:11 PM) : Days of our Joker
    (12:14:34 PM) : Make him into a Pagliacci-like, maudlin figure
    (12:14:34 PM) Matt: Next week… is Harley seeing someone else?
    (12:14:57 PM) Matt: Hmmm…
    (12:15:13 PM) Matt: I think the Joker is more suited to host a game show.
    (12:15:19 PM) : …
    (12:15:21 PM) : Don’t go there.
    (12:15:24 PM) : Wait.
    (12:15:30 PM) : Maybe it could work…
    (12:15:35 PM) Matt: As long as the premise is to kill the audience every time…
    (12:15:37 PM) : Wheel…. of….. JOKERRRRRRRRR!
    (12:15:53 PM) : Even better: Kill a random member of the audience.
    (12:16:02 PM) : Everyone has to sign a waiver on the way in.
    (12:16:04 PM) Matt: Maybe one of those “Running Man”-style post-apocalyptic game shows where it’s okay to kill the contestants.
    (12:16:18 PM) Matt: Something that wouldn’t be out of place in Max Headroom’s universe.
    (12:16:27 PM) : *nod* Exactly.
    (12:16:36 PM) Matt: This is the Joker from the comic, though, right? Not Jack Nicholson.
    (12:16:42 PM) Matt: This is the *tall* Joker.
    (12:16:44 PM) : Get Max Headroom as the wacky assistant/sideman
    (12:16:46 PM) : Yes.
    (12:16:49 PM) : The classic joker.
    (12:17:01 PM) Matt: I’d pay a dollar to see that.
    (12:17:10 PM) Matt: But not in person.
    (12:17:15 PM) : Of course.
    (12:17:40 PM) : Although, there is the question of: Should the contestant/victim have a chance of getting out alive?
    (12:17:49 PM) : If so, it shouldn’t be easy
    (12:17:53 PM) : But possible.
    (12:17:58 PM) Matt: Only if Two-Face is producer.
    (12:18:06 PM) : Nice touch.
    (12:18:15 PM) : No…
    (12:18:18 PM) : Won’t work.
    (12:18:20 PM) Matt: The Joker might *forget* to kill the contestants now and then. Just because he’s crazy.
    (12:18:24 PM) : Two-face should have his own show.
    (12:18:35 PM) : Kind of like the old Incredible Hulk show.
    (12:18:42 PM) : He wanders from town to town.
    (12:18:53 PM) : You never know if he’s coming to help… or to kill.
    (12:19:02 PM) Matt: I’m still thinking of the game show concept.
    (12:19:08 PM) Matt: Welcome back to the second half of the show, everyone.
    (12:19:21 PM) Matt: The half where the contestants lose all the money they won in the first half.
    (12:19:40 PM) Matt: Wishing you’d saved that 50/50 lifeline now, eh?
    (12:19:44 PM) : HAH
    (2:25:53 PM) : Lex: Mercy…!?! Have you seen my gauntlet!?
    (2:26:00 PM) : Mercy Graves: Did you look behind the curio cabinet?
    (2:26:08 PM) : Lex: WHY would it be THERE?!?
    (2:26:26 PM) : Mercy: Because that’s where you threw it after you used it to blast a hole in the television!

  • One of my Darkseid HeroClix has gone AWOL. I am not thrilled about that.

Quote of the Day

(2:08:55 PM) : Power cords/
(2:08:59 PM) : Need.
(2:09:02 PM) : Power.
(2:09:11 PM) : Corrrrrrrrrrrrddddddsssssssssssssss.
(2:09:13 PM) : *ahem*
(2:09:13 PM) : 🙂
(2:09:44 PM) : i’m so taking away your caffeine.
(2:24:12 PM) : Corrrrrrrrrrrrddddddsssssssssssssss.
(2:24:31 PM) : POWWWWWEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR Corrrrrrrrrrrrddddddsssssssssssssss.
(2:24:52 PM) : (not to be confused with “power chords” or “power corduroy”)
(3:42:38 PM) : power corn.
(3:42:47 PM) : Hm
(3:42:54 PM) : Interesting concept.
(3:45:38 PM) : expendable power source. the byproduct is popcorn.
(3:45:49 PM) : Genius.
(3:45:51 PM) : Pure.
(3:45:55 PM) : Unadulterated.
(3:45:57 PM) : Genius.
(3:45:59 PM) : … and cyanide.
(3:46:04 PM) : Even better.
(3:46:30 PM) : and butter. mmm. buttery cyanide kettle corn goodness.
