“Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl…”
cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, news and info, politics and law, science and technology 1 Comment »Thursday – 25 March 2010
Another NBN Thursday kicks off in the valley. This morning is a bit overcast, but the forecast isn’t calling for rain… at least not that I’m aware of. Doesn’t really matter, either way, because I kicked off the morning with 112 and that is a good thing:
I left work a little early yesterday; I was tired and my productivity  was flagging. I took that as an indicator that it would be beneficial to go home and take a nap. And that’s exactly what I did. And it was good. After that, SaraRules and I headed to Dask’s for a bite to eat. She later went to see Legally Blonde: The Musical with Melissa, while I stayed home and read yesterday’s four-color haul. After that, it was off to the mall to see if the local Eddie Bauer store to pick up a new pair of jeans – they were out of my size – and to do a little window shopping. I headed home and watched another episode of 24 — I’m slowly catching up on this season.
Stray Toasters
- Today’s word of the day is: Copacetic.
(Not to be confused with “Copacabana“) - Easter flowers for the mother-units: Check.
- By way of SaraRules:
- From the “Titles I Wish I Had Made Up” file: How the TSA will inspect your monkey
- It appears that Angela Bassett, who would have been my first choice to play Storm in an X-Men movie, will be appearing in the upcoming Green Lantern movie as Amanda Waller.
- Steampunk Stormtrooper Helmet, Boba Fett and Princess Leia
- Grieving mothers blame baby slings for infant deaths
- The WWG railroad masterboard for Dr. Volt’s should get some structure tonight. I’d like to have it ready to deliver for Saturday’s tournament.
- Gates eases ban on gays in the military
- Iron Alloy Could Create Earthquake-Proof Buildings
- Several coaches not thrilled about how owners held OT vote
- Alien vs. Pooh: Webcomics realize their full potential at last
And with that… meeting time!