Friday – 05 March 2010
Happy Birthday to Liz and Jenny, a couple of my high school classmates:

I'm so glad you're conjoined twins so I don't have to send separate birthday cards

…even if you’re not really conjoined.

It’s snowing outside. I have to admit that isn’t doing much for my motivation.

Last night, I spent the evening hanging out with ; she interviewed me for a school project. We had planned to go to Borders… but we discovered that their cafe closes at 1900 during the week. YeahbuhWHAT?! Yeah. I think that qualifies as “lame.” We wound up at the nearby Barnes & Noble, instead… where we ran into an old friend of ‘s. The interview took about a half-hour; after that, we sat and chatted almost two hours away.  It was a good way to spend the evening.

Stray Toasters

There’s a Friday out there; I should go introduce myself to it.
