“Don’t know why there’s no sun up in the sky…”
arts and leisure, everyday glory, family and friends, monkeys!, news and info, politics and law No Comments »Monday – 10 May 2010
Happy Birthday, Justin:
Last night, SaraRules’ mom came over for Mother’s Day dinner and a movie. She wanted pizza, so we picked up a couple of pies from Whole Foods — and they were pretty good. SaraRules also made a chocolate cream pie, which was also very tasty. For the evening’s entertainment, we watched Pandorum. It was… interesting… and not what I had gathered from the theatrical release trailers. And there were even a couple of pleasant twists. On the whole, it wasn’t an “awesome” movie, but it didn’t completely blow chunks, either.
After Bonne left, SaraRules and I spent an hour (roughly) applying primer to a wall-and-a-half in my office. You wouldn’t believe how much of a difference it made. Seriously. It was practically a day-and-night difference.
Stray Toasters
- This st00pid sore throat has ventured into the realm of full-blown head cold. BAH.
- Today is grey and rainy.
- Today is also the day that Comcast is supposed to drop our new cable line.
- We’ll see if the weather delays that.
- The service window they gave me was 8AM-8PM.
- *grblsnrkx*
- Lena Horne dies at 92
- Legendary singer Lena Horne dies at 92 (USA Today coverage)
- Legendary singer, actress Lena Horne dead at 92 (CNN coverage)
- Stormy Weather
- Hobby Lobby’s newest – and closest to the house – location opens today. I should be more excited. I blame Comcast.
- Guest-Teaching Chinese, and Learning America
- Exploring Mortality with Clothes and a Claw
- Obama to Nominate Kagan as Justice
- Annnnd, just just got off the phone from yet another Comcast collections call about the receiver and modem. I think that someone wants me to pull an Atom and come through the phone line and hand them a beat down. Idiotsticks.
Okay, I’m going to try to accomplish a few things before I have to leave…