Monday – 10 May 2010
Happy Birthday, Justin:

May your birthday find you and your loved ones happy and healthy or at least all quarantined together

Last night, SaraRules’ mom came over for Mother’s Day dinner and a movie. She wanted pizza, so we picked up a couple of pies from Whole Foods — and they were pretty good. SaraRules also made a chocolate cream pie, which was also very tasty. For the evening’s entertainment, we watched Pandorum. It was… interesting… and not what I had gathered from the theatrical release trailers. And there were even a couple of pleasant twists. On the whole, it wasn’t an “awesome” movie, but it didn’t completely blow chunks, either.

After Bonne left, SaraRules and I spent an hour (roughly) applying primer to a wall-and-a-half in my office. You wouldn’t believe how much of a difference it made. Seriously. It was practically a day-and-night difference.

Stray Toasters

Okay, I’m going to try to accomplish a few things before I have to leave…
