Monday – 24 May 2010
I started writing this as we were on the way back to Houston. For a “long weekend,” this past one flew by far too quickly. That’s not to say that it wasn’t fun, though. It was. And it was great to get home, even if only for a few days.
Saturday, we slept in later than we had planned. It was good on a couple of counts:
- We’d been flying for the better part of the day on Friday
- It allowed us to acclimate to the time zone change.
We tried hooking up with William and Charlie, but our schedules just didn’t synch up. Next, we did a little shopping. We stopped at Randy’s Quilt Shop, a shop we discovered on our last trip to Greensboro. SaraRules found some quilt squares and we found a few fabric patterns that will be used in the frames in the bathroom… or wherever we wind up putting the frames.
Next stop, Acme Comics. I almost didn’t stop, but SaraRules – in her wisdom – questioned my decision… and I made the turn into their lot. Good thing, too. I did a little ‘Clix shopping. Among the haul, I found:
- Cyclops (Infinity Challenge LE)
- Giant-Man (Ultimates)
- Hawkeye
- Maximus — getting me one step closer to completing my Inhumans team — and
- Silver Savage
…and I got a really good deal on the lot, so I’m far from complaining. Next, we headed down the block to Edward McKay’s Used Books. I’ve been a fan of the store for many moons and they have yet to let me down.
After that, we headed over to Four Seasons Town Center. I hadn’t been there in… a long time. Some things had changed, others… not so much. The people-watching was as good as ever, though. Our motives for hitting the mall did include shopping: SaraRules wanted to look for a dress to wear to Mom’s concert on Sunday. She found a very cute black dress with off-white polka dots — it was very flattering on her.
We’d started getting hungry, so our next stop was Smokey Bones. We were joined a little later by Theo and Donalja. The food and the company were both very good. In fact, the only complaints were the temperature – AC on “MEGA-COLD†– and the karaoke. The not-good karaoke. ‘Nuff said. After dinner, we were on our way home again. We were pleasantly surprised to find my parents still awake… and hanging out with my Aunt Janet and Uncle Gerald. We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning chatting.
Sunday morning came far too early. I’d planned on sleeping in and making up for lost sleep due to flying and Saturday’s running around and late night chatting.
No go, Flight.
I woke up around 8:30, thanks to a screaming bladder. As I was making my way back to my bedroom, my mother called me and asked if I would go with her to her school, to help in setting up for her concert.
::: twitch :::
But, the bed… it is so close…
Sleep… there is precious sleep to be had…
I told her “Yes†and started to get ready. Why did I have to go? The seniors had done a PowerPoint presentation, to be shown during the concert, and there was no laptop/desktop on which to show it and “someone†had to set up the projector for it. No problem. As my mother put it, “I knew that you would have your laptop with you. It’s not like you go anywhere without it.†She was right – and lucky – that I had it AND had PowerPoint installed.
Back home. NAP! Change. Back to the school.
I don’t think that I have attended one of my mother’s since I moved out west. My uncle, who I’m not sure had ever attended one of her concerts, flew in Sunday afternoon, to be there as well. I am glad that I was able to make it for this one – her last, as she is retiring in three weeks… after nearly forty years of educating. It was good to see Mom in her element, so to speak. It was also nice to be (a small) part of it, helping out with the PowerPoint portion of the program. But, the best part of it was being there when her students offered their thanks and appreciation for the years of hard work and devotion that Mom has put into that program. Not only were her current students there, but alumni – some as far as twenty-plus years back – came back to participate in the concert.

Middle School Chorus

Senior High School Chorus

Senior High and Alumni Combined Choruses

Award from Mayor’s Office and City Council

A final farewell.
After the concert, we went home for the… after-party. Mom had invited people over for a light fare. Once again, we sat around, talking and reminiscing, for hours. I saw people I haven’t seen in a long time, ranging from a year or two to as far as almost thirty years ago.
Yesterday, we got up, got our things together and packed up the cars. We had lunch at Harper’s. After that, we dropped my uncle at the Greensboro airport. Then we headed to Kris’ apartment for a bit, before heading to Raleigh to catch our flight.

My Family (…or at least a part of it)
Our travel was pretty uneventful. Again, the airports offered good people-watching. After we got to the Houston airport, we decided to follow-up on a suggestion that SaraRules had in Raleigh and found an ice cream vendor. It was good.
We got home late last night.
The alarm went off far too early.
The workday grind is off to a good start… but it’s a three-day work week, so I think I can handle it.