Saturday – 05 June 2010
So far, it’s been a good day… and it’s not even half-over yet.

SaraRules and I got up and walked down to the local Ward House for a pancake breakfast, put on by that Ward’s Boy Scout troop. Hey, money that goes to help kids or a youth activity…? I’m down. The food was pretty good. There were also some classic and exotic cars there, too. Win-Win.

Back home, so that SaraRules could get ready for Quilt Club and so I could prep for today’s HeroClix tournament. (I still need to come up with a team, in case I have to play a bye round.) Also, it looks as though I’ll be running a ‘Clix tournament at next month’s GEEX, at the South Town Expo Center.

Yesterday’s step count: 2937

Stray Toasters

Time to finish getting ready.
