Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“And then the morning comes.”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, sports, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 19 August 2008
I was up far too late last night.
FAR too late.

Coworker Eric came to SLC last night to pick up my old desk: I wanted something different, he wanted a desk. Win-Win. I discovered that it is much easier to make a mess when clearing out furniture than it is to return the same space to a nominal sense of order and coherence. Hence the reason that I was up late last night/this morning. Let’s just say that caffeine and I are on a first-name basis this morning.

I watched some of the Olympic Summer Games last night. I watched Men’s and Women’s 400M hurdles. For those who didn’t see the USA Men’s team take gold, silver AND bronze, it was a pretty amazing race.

The women’s races were equally stunning – especially the event in which Jamaica’s Melaine Walker ran. I also watched some of the gymnastics events… and, after seeing He Kexin, I can now understand why some people question whether or not some of the Chinese gymnasts are of official competing age.

Stray Toasters


“And when they would do good, evil is present…”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, sports No Comments »

Monday – 18 August 2008
On the way to the office, Chiron Beta Prime started playing over iTunes. I’m not sure if Nomad was just mocking me through our technopathic link; I’m Ivory Soap sure that it knows I refer to work as “CBP.” As a follow-up, it played Inside Out’s Jackie Chan… and follwed that with Monty Python’s I Like Chinese*.

We finished Round Two of the server upgrades yesterday. We also noted a… discrepancy: There were nineteen servers for which we did not account. So, there will be a reckoning Round Three. Which is fine with me. It’s all part of the job. We had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. I had the calamari appetizer and the Cajun Jambalaya Pasta entree. Holy cow… it was GOOD. And, a piece of cheesecake followed me home.

I got home last night and considered rearranging the office. The fact that it was 10 PM didn’t phase me… at first. Eventually, I came to the realization that I had just put in nine hours of work and that I didn’t really feel like making that much more work for myself. Instead, I played City of Heroes.

This morning, I was back in the office at 7:40. Aw, yeah!

Stray Toasters

  • WARNING (for Firefox users): Clipboards hijacked in web attack
  • How to Be Good
  • Is there a way to justify shuriken as an “office supply?”
  • Pakistan’s Musharraf Steps Down
  • Michael Phelps: 8 Gold Medals, 7 world records.
    He’s only 23. I think he’s got at least one more Olympic Summer Games in him
  • How to Hypermile
  • Reasoning is partly insane
    Image just an eyeless game
    The night is turning thin
    The saint is turning to sin
  • What was your videogame system of choice, back in the day?
    I was an IntelliVision and Sega Genesis kid.

…right on to the friction of the day.


“If I had a hammer…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music 1 Comment »

Thursday – 14 August 2008
It’s Thursday.
Thor‘s Day.
Thor had a hammer.
It was called Mjolnir.

John Henry, steel-driving man that he was, had a hammer, too.
I don’t believe his hammer had a name.

Beta Ray Bill – also known as Beta Ray Thor – has a hammer.
It is called Stormbreaker.

Stray Toasters

  • Not only is it NBN Thursday, it’s sushi day.
  • I keep trying to like From Russia, with Love, as performed by Matt Munro… but it really doesn’t do anything for me.
  • I also keep forgetting to take screenshots of Kurigari when I’m playing City of Heroes.
  • “My mon Bats, he don’t shiv.”
    For those of you who don’t get this, the dialogue is from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns.

Stop! Hammertime.

Just a mellow mid-week evening

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, sports, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Wednesday: Coda
After work, I came home to see if my Dark Phoenix had arrived. It hadn’t.

Forlorn and dejected, I left to run some errands. When the errands were done, I headed to Dr. Volt’s for a little Wednesday afternoon retail therapy. Exerting near-Green Lantern-like willpower, I managed to avoid buying yet another brick. Actually, it wasn’t even that much of a challenge – I looked at the brick, shrugged and just walked on. But that doesn’t sound nearly as dramatic.

Before heading home, I stopped in to see SaraRules’ family. We talked about movies. And the upcoming camping trip. And laptops. And how to install RAM into Pegasus. And stuff.

Coming around I-215, I had an apostrophe epiphany as to what I wanted for dinner: Pizza. When I got home, I dialed up the local Papa Johns and ordered some bring-it-to-me goodness.

Stray Toasters

  • I have started listing my extra HeroClix lots. Finally. We’ll see how they fare.
  • Because it continues to make me laugh:

    What’s a Nubian?

  • Both Dwim and sent me links to pictures and videos of Janos Baranyai’s unfortunate accident at the Beijing Olympics. They are NOT pretty. I asked if this qualified Mr. Baranyai to be the new face of “The Agony of Defeat.” He said that it did not:

    : no way
    : this is too short of an OW OW OW moment
    : the agony of defeat was more strung out and lasted a while as he plummeted
    me: Couldn’t they just show it over and over in replay?
    : think about it tho
    : have you ever thought “OW!!!” when watching the former? this one made me cringe
    : can’t have people cringing
    me: I don’t know that I thought “OW” for AoD.
    me: Definitely “Daaaaaaaaamn”
    me: And no cringing.
    me: http://www.b3ta.cr3ation.co.uk/data/gif/omnomnombleeahchav.gif
    : see now that guy just deserved it
    me: So, this is a case of “Double dumb-ass on you.”
    me: The lifter is… just “Oh, damn. Sorry, guy?”
    : on the first, yes, i agree with the colorful metaphor
    : on the second, it’s more of a DAAAAYUM…

    I then asked him about the lip-synching and George Lucas-esque “enhancement” of the opening ceremony fireworks display. He wasn’t surprised. He said that “…EVERYTHING is about image. It’s all about the collective face… everything has its base in ‘how will this look.’ And the thing is, they don’t care collectively how their own people view them, it’s all about everyone else.”

  • CCI: Legion of Super-Heroes 50th Anniversary
  • MarknTyme: Check this out. My friend, , just got back from the Level II course. I thought it looked like something that might interested you.


Monday afternoon musings…

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, monkeys!, news and info, office antics, politics and law, sports, The Covet List, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 1 Comment »

Drew and Mark were heading over to Cafe Blue for lunch. I tagged along to see if they had anything that looked interesting and worthwhile. I wound up getting a chicken fajita panini; it was pretty good. And it wasn’t very spendy, either.

Stray Toasters

  • The 2009 IKEA catalog is available online.
  • A few weeks/months ago, I started an Amazon Wish List, which I not-so-coincidentally named “The Covet List.” While eating lunch, I tried seeing if I could find a direct link to the list rather than having to go to the Amazon main page and then click through to it. I found it. Then I noticed that one of the items on my list, X-Men Darktide DVD Box Set, had a list price of $2.95 under “New and Used.” Curiosity got the best of me, so I clicked to see what the deal was. And there it was, listed under “Collectible” for $2.95, but it was for the DVD only. There was another item listed there for $5.95, with the descriptor: “Like New.” So I read the item details:

    Comments: JUST THE DVD MOVIE! (no dolls).

    *blink blink*
    Wait… but it said “Like New.” To me, that means: “We’ve watched the DVD and played with the figures, but they are all included.” I commented on this to who just said:

    “Sure, it’s like new… if you by it from someplace that sucks.”

  • I brought my Sennheiser headphones up here from the south office. I had forgotten both how good they sound and how well they drown out the sound of the office.
  • By way of Drew: Freak Accident – Revolving Door

  • The picture in this article almost… ALMOST… made me like the Shrub. Who knows, if it had been around a few years ago, I might have held out a smidgen of hope for the guy. Oh, well.
  • Or this one.
  • Or even this one.
  • Laminate the Masses


Punctuation. Punctuation? PUNCTUATION!

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, news and info, science and technology, toys, zombies No Comments »

Sunday – 10 August 2008

Last night’s breakfast was good. The people-watching was a little lackluster, though. But, came up with a cereal that could/should be marketed alongside Chocolate Jesus Crunchies:

Gettin’ Lucky Charms

It brought a lot of amusement from the table.

This morning, I met Shelley and Billy for brunch. Shelley is one of my oldest friends in Utah… but we haven’t seen each other in, at least, a few years. Thanks to the power of the Interwebs and the telephone, we do talk from time to time, though. Our original plan was to go to David’s Kitchen, but they are not open on Sundays, it seems. We wound up at Sampan in Sugar House. Good food and good company. I had the beef lo mein, with wonton soup and an eggroll.

I stopped into Jitterbug to get my daily dose of caffeine. Spydr and Uriah were there… and we started talking about The Dark Knight and other geekery. Uriah pointed me in the direction of Shaffer the Dark Lord’s Supervillain. It made me laugh.

Stray Toasters

This post brought to you by Spydr, a rocket, and the Angry Yellow Sun.


“Spinning wheel got to go round…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, geekery, monkeys!, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Thursday – 07 August 2008
Belated Happy Hatching Day to :

After work, and I headed downtown to have dinner at Poplar Street Pub.

We had barely gotten in the door when Kade came up to us and invited us to join him, his girlfriend Emily and Rob and Michelle K at their table. The atmosphere is rather Cheers-like. They have a full bar and offer a menu of fairly typical pub fare:

  • Burgers
  • Bratwurst
  • Fish and chips
  • Chicken sandwiches
  • Pizza

The difference is that the food is made on-site… even the bratwurst is ground and packed in the restaurant. And the food is VERY good. I had a burger with fries, chased by a Guinness (on tap!), but I tried some of Michelle’s pizza, which was quite tasty. For dessert, I had a bowl of Guinness ice cream (yes, I said “Guinness ice cream”) and a chocolate chip and pecan cookie. And the prices were rather reasonable.

and Jack showed up a little before we left, so we hung out an chatted with them for a bit.

All-in-all, it was a fun evening. I recommend checking out Poplar Street Pub if you’re looking for someplace different to dine and/or have a drink. Yes, being Utah it is “a private club for members;” memberships are:

  • $5.00 (USD) for a temporary membership
  • $12.00 for a one-year membership

After dropping off I headed home… and found that I was winding down fairly quickly. I was showered and ready for bed before 12:30.

And I slept well. Very well, indeed.

Stray Toasters

Attack the day…


“Spirits fly on dangerous missions, imaginations on fire…”

books, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, politics and law, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 06 August 2008
Sometimes, it’s amusing to realize what it is that breaks us out of our morning doldrums and gets us ready to face the day. For me, this morning, it was remembering that I was planning on trying a fruit smoothie recipe this morning before heading to work. And I did. And It’s pretty good.

Last night’s Scion game was good. I almost got half the party killed… all because an NPC didn’t like the answer I gave to a riddle. So, a few rounds later: Sphinx: 0, Us: 1… kind of. In the process of some rather fancy bow (archery) work, it seems that ‘s character has taken over the role that the Sphinx held. We need to find a way to liberate her from that so that she can come party adventure with us.

Stray Toasters


Ah, so, then this must be Belgium!

cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, news and info, office antics, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

I spent the better part of the afternoon in the AF office today. I took care of a couple of items and wound up bringing one of the troubled kids back to the north office.

One of the benefits of being in AF, I was able to work out with Eric… and Dwim joined us, as well. Today’s routine:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets / 20 reps
  • Pull-ups: 1 set / 10 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets / 8 reps, 205 lbs.
  • Curls (standing, dumbbell, crossover): 3 sets / 12 reps, 25 lbs
  • Flys (Nautilus): 3 sets / 10 reps, 110 lbs
  • Upright Rows (barbell): 3 sets / 10 reps, 50 lbs

Pre-workout weight: 173.2 lbs

Stray Toasters

I should probably pay some more attention to the game… as I’m being attacked by a Sphinx. Yay.


Politics and Gunmen: A day with Condoleeza Rice and Doc Holliday

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, music, politics and law, travel No Comments »

Saturday: Coda
An Evening of Words and Music: Condoleeza Rice turned out to be a very nice affair. It was a joint venture between the Aspen Music Festival and School and The Aspen Institute. Dr. Rice and her interviewer, Walter Isaacson, were introduced by former Secretary of State Madeline Albright.

Dr. Albright pointed out a very interesting item: Her father, Josef Korbel, was not only one of the professors under whom Dr. Rice studied while at the University of Denver, he was also her mentor on her doctoral thesis. Despite differences in political ideologies, Dr. Albright referred to Dr. Rice as “my sister.” Anecdotally, Dr. Albright recounted how she had called upon Dr. Rice to be a potential advisor to then-Democratic presidential nominee, Michael Dukakis. Dr Rice then informed her,”…but I’m a Republican now.” A shocked Dr. Albright retorted with: “How could you be..?! We had the same father!” It was a kind, warm – and surprisingly witty – introduction.

Dr. Rice and Mr. Isaacson took the stage and proceeded to talk for the next 30 – 40 minutes. I had worried that the discussion might turn into a pulpit from which Dr. Rice might try to quietly (or even not-so-quietly) talk up the current administration’s policies. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could not have been more off-base. Yes, the discussion focused mostly on political matters, but I found Dr. Rice to be fairly candid and willing to discuss the topics and issues – not the party politics. This was also true when the discussion turned from interviewer/interviewee to an open mike Q&A session. The first question she fielded was from a gentleman from Bangladesh who attempted to call her on the carpet about the U.S.’ energy policies, with regard to the Kyoto Protocols. Dr. Rice gently corrected a couple of misunderstood points and then elaborated on the United States’ position… and also why India and China, which the man had cited as being on board with the terms of the protocols, were not being held to the same standards. On another occasion, a topic was brought up by Mr. Isaacson; Dr. Rice started to answer the question… and then paused to elaborate on exactly what it was to which they were referring.  When the Q&A was over, Dr. Rice left the stage to a standing ovation.

After an intermission, during which time the interview area was broken down and music stands and a piano were brought out, the Sybarite Chamber Players took the stage. They were a string quintet who performed two modern pieces:

  1. The Rebel, by Piotr Szewczyh
  2. Black Bend, by Dan Visconti

The pieces were brief but highlighted the performers abilities nicely.

A small set change later, Dr. Rice – an alumna of the Apsen Music School – took the stage again, with a string quartet comprised of: Lydia Bunn (viola), Ken Hamao (violin), Aleisha Verner (cello) and Eric Wong (violin). The quintet then performed pieces by Johannes Brahms, Dr. Rice’s favorite composer, and Antonin Dvorak:

  • Piano Quintet in F minor, op. 34 (1862), by Brahms
  • Piano Quintet in A major, B. 155 op. 81 (1887), by Dvorak

Dr. Rice is an adept pianist. She noted during the interview that she changed her major from Music (Piano) to International Relations after returning from the Aspen Music School, saying that she had observed eleven- and twelve-year-olds performing pieces that they had spent hours (or a couple of days) learning, whereas it took her weeks to master the piece(s) she was attempting to play. The string players were also very accomplished with their respective instruments. After they were finished performing, the crowd responded with another standing ovation.

We returned to SaraRules’ condo to change clothes and to get a quick bite to eat. Then, we headed into Glenwood Springs. Our objective was to visit the grave of John Henry Holliday, best known to many as Doc Holliday. What we didn’t know was that the graveyard was at the end of a half-mile uphill hike. We estimate that the elevation changed at least three-hundred (300) feet in that half-mile. (Google Maps seems to bear this out.) But, the three of us made the trek and explored the graveyard until we found the grave… sort of: There is a memorial marker in the graveyard (pictures). As explained here, the cemetary changed ownership in 1939 and some of the cemetary records – including where Doc Holliday was buried – were lost.

We trekked back down the mountain and back into town for dinner at The Bayou, a cajun restaurant that SaraRules had discovered and then we headed back to Snowmass Village.

All-in-all, it was a fun, adventure-filled day.

“Rocky Mountain High… (Colorado…)”

cyberpunk/steampunk, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, news and info, office antics, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Friday – 01 August 2008
Sun: Check
Coffee: Check.
Breakfast: Check.
Logged into work systems: Check (after taking too long to remember the proper credentials).

Happy Birthday to

Stray Toasters

I’m not sure if it’s the connection in the condo or what, but the ‘tubes are being ludicrously slow. And it’s getting a little irritating.


Thursday Chaos Theory

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, science and technology 1 Comment »

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I’ve seen a couple of links to this article today.

I can’t fathom the amount of… malice?… apathy?… evil?… that it would take to commit a crime like this.

And, from a different perspective: What about the other passengers? What goes through your head when you turn and see something like this occur mere inches from you? Or if you were the guy he smoked a cigarette with? Or the young lady he chatted up?

I’ve heard people say – and even said myself, on occasion – “People suck.”

This goes a long way to reinforcing that belief.

Stray Toasters

“Who are you? (Who? Who? Who? Who?)”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday: Coda
After work, I met Liz for dinner at Outback; it was nice to catch up and hang out.

I came home and opened the new brick – no Susan Richards or Spider-Woman, but I did wind up with a few new figures:

And, I now have a plethora duplicates that I need to determine how to group for sale on eBay.

Stray Toasters

  • It’s 12:40 and I just finished baking a batch of brownies.
  • Who doesn’t like zombies? Well… how about Claymation zombies?! I KNOW! Win- Win!

  • I need to finish packing. Yay.


“That’s the way that Lady Luck dances… Roll the bones.”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday: Coda
After work, I made haste to get to Far West Comics for the HeroClix tournament. Keith, the judge got there just after me. And no one else did. Fortunately, Matt and Nano (the store owners) were playing in the event, so it wasn’t a complete wash. I got my two boosters and pulled the following figures:

I was very pleased to pull the Dugan, Doom and Impossible Man figures… very pleased, indeed. The others were all duplicates of figures that I got in my brick. I constructed my team of:

  • Arachne
  • Dum Dum Dugan
  • Iron Fist and
  • Kristoff

I used a Feat card – Loner – on Dum Dum, which gave him a bonus to his defensive value. And then, we went to work.

My first match was against Matt, he also fielded four figures:

I split my force and moved to positions that afforded me decent lines of fire, while still providing cover. The first game went fairly quickly. I took out two of Matt’s pieces without losing anyone. Next up, I fought Nano. He brought

I divided my force again, but in a slightly different pattern – I remembered to array my figures in a pattern that allowed the ranged members of each team to provide cross-field support to each other. That came in pretty handy. And some really good dice rolls didn’t hurt, either. I was able to eliminate Mole Man and the Spider-Slayer and was working on taking out Spider-Man when time ran out. Once again, I was able to keep everyone on my side alive, although Kristoff took a couple of solid hits.

For going 2-0, I got an Illuminati event dial, a Nowhere to Hide battlefield condition card and a map.

After the tourney, I came home… and had a lazy evening. Me, the couch, the TV and a crossword puzzle book. Mm-hmm, that’s right. And it was good.

Stray Toasters

And that’s all.

I love the smell of technology in the morning! Smells like… victory.”

dining and cuisine, everyday glory, music, office antics No Comments »

Tuesday – 29 July 2008
No marshmallowy alarms this morning. I take that as a good sign.

This morning’s work music is: Ride of the Valkyries.

I have both frozen mocha goodness and a bagel sandwich. Win-Win.

Attack the day…