Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“Jack, relax… get busy with the facts.”

books, business and economy, computers, education, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, music, space, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Tuesday – 10 January 2012
Work Week: Day 2. So far, it’s been monkey-free and relatively painless. But, it is Tuesday, so there will be meetings. Hazard of the job, I guess.

Speaking of “hazards,” for some reason, I had this running through my head last night:

Last night, my sister-in-law, Sanaz, came over to help watch the girls and put them to bed while SaraRules! was at a Junior League meeting.

Under normal circumstances, bedtime is a fairly easy time of night — it’s just that two kids makes it nigh-impossible for one person to get them squared away without help. Last night, I don’t know what exactly happened, but Diana and Vanessa were not happy and wailed – at the top of their lungs –  for the better part of forty-five minutes before winding down enough to eat and go to sleep. (I don’t think that I’ve been so happy for them to go to sleep in a long time…) In thinking about it, it hasn’t been that hard to get them both to sleep in at least two months. And I can’t fathom what I would have done without Sanaz’ help.

After the girls fell asleep – which was almost immediately after they ate – Sanaz and I went into the kitchen so I could tackle the stack o’ bottles from the day. We chatted while I busted suds. I found out a bit about what she does (I know that she’s a pharmacist, but there’s more to her job than just doling out medication), what she would like to do and the world of pharmacy. It was a good conversation.

After SaraRules! got home, I found that I was restless and couldn’t decide how to spend the rest of my evening. I frittered away the better part of an hour before deciding to call it a relatively early night and just read in bed. I know I’m late to the party, but I started reading World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, by Max Brooks. I am liking it.

Stray Toasters


Hello, Friday. I’ve missed you.

comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, space, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 6 Comments »

Friday – 06 January 2012
Today’s my day off. I get to spend it with these cuties:



These shots were taken while the girls were having “tummy time.” (Look it up, if you’re not familiar with it.) At the moment, they’re taking a nap. I’m not sure what we’re going to do today after they wake up, but there may very well be a trip to Liberty Park involved. In fact, I’d say that I’m Ivory Soap sure that it will happen. There might also be a trip to Black Water Coffee Company in the cards, too.

 Stray Toasters

That’s it for now.


“Here we are now going to the south side…”

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, politics and law, space, style and fashion, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Monday – 12 December 2011
A new work week begins. My day started with a couple of smiley-faced little girls waking up to face the day before I left for work. Yeah, that’s the way to kick off an otherwise grey and drab Monday morning.

Friday was Diana-Vanessa-Daddy Day.

Diana (left) and Vanessa

We stayed at home for the early part of the day, but ventured out in the afternoon. We stopped in to see SaraRules! at her office… where the girls were fawned over by some of the staff. We also popped in to say “Hi” to and before heading home. As an added bonus: I got to pop in and visit the Clitorati crew Friday night.

Saturday, we started the day with family pictures.  Jenny and Julie came over and took our photos. The girls were actually quite cooperative, even through their dress changes. After pictures (and feeding the girls), we headed to Downtown Philly Cheesesteaks for lunch.

Yesterday was fairly low-key. We slept in a little. There was breakfast. Even though we didn’t get to see it, the Ravens whooped up on the Indianapolis Professional Football Club. We also took the girls for a stroll around Liberty Park. (And… I’m counting that as a workout!) The park was far more empty than I would have suspected for a Sunday afternoon, but that just meant fewer pedestrians to avoid along the way. We ran a couple of errands and then had dinner with the in-laws.

All-in-all, it was a very good weekend.

Stray Toasters


“I don’t know what to say, the monkeys won’t do…”

books, comics and animation, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, health, history, monkeys!, office antics, politics and law, quote of the day, science and technology, space, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 08 December 2011
Not only is today “NBN” Thursday, nor is it just my “Technical Friday”…

But today is Vanessa’s 1/4-birthday!

And, I got to start the morning with cuddles from both “Baby Dynamo” (as SaraRules! calls her) and Little Miss Diana. AND… I made all seven of the lights on the way to work this morning. (It was a close call at Light #4, but I made it.) I take these things as omens that today is going to be a good day.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
I made the following post on Twitter a little while ago:

Civility, logic, reason and common sense all seem to go out the window when people see/hear the words “sale” or “free.” #monkeys

I predicated this statement based on the observation of peoples’ reactions to a recycling/giveaway that was being done in our office. People were complaining about “This [item] doesn’t have [component]…” or “This isn’t as good as that one…” or, and this is my favorite: “Can I go through X and Y and Z and scavenge pieces for this…?”



The equipment is being given away.


ALL you had to do was put your name in a bag to be drawn to be eligible to TAKE an item.


If it’s too much hassle to be happy with what you’re getting – again: FOR FREE! – then maybe (just maybe) you shouldn’t have put your name in the bag in the first place.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
I have a dead-blow hammer – bequeathed to me by – at my desk at work. I have been known to refer to it as Mjolnir, on occasion. Today, Julie borrowed it, to crush peppermint. (Don’t know why; didn’t ask.) She brought it back and said:

“Thor’s hammer smells a bit like peppermint…”

I retorted:

“Now dispensing minty-fresh justice!”

We both laughed.


County Line Blues

business and economy, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, food for thought, football, geekery, office antics, space, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Tuesday – 06 December 2011
Day Two of the work week finds me south of the county line again. In the words of Lita Ford (among others), “It ain’t no big thing.”

Last night was a relatively quiet night around the household. Over the weekend, there had been talk of putting up the downstairs Christmas tree, but by the time we got home from work, we knew that it just wasn’t going to happen. So, after the girls were abed, SaraRules! and I watched some of the Monday night football game… before we got bored with it and started channel-hopping.

So far, today has been good. (Yep, even despite being in the ‘south forty’ today.) I even got to go to lunch with some of the usual suspects; we hit State Street Grill. It was good. And, it was very filling.

Stray Toasters

“Give me steam… And how you feel can make it real…”

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, cyberpunk/steampunk, education, event, everyday glory, faith and religion, family and friends, geekery, health, history, music, space, stage plays and theatre, style and fashion, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Wednesday – 30 November 2011
Not only is it the middle of the week… or new comics day… or the date that Michael Jackson’s Thriller album was released… it’s also the last day of the month. A month that seemed like it just started a few days ago. How the time flies.

Last night, SaraRules! and I attended the opening night auction for the 2011 Festival of Trees. We were looking for something – not a tree – to add to our holiday decorations; we settled on looking for a centerpiece for the living room table. We found – and bid on and won – one that will go nicely with the tree we got last year:

We also saw a number of really nice trees and gingerbread houses. More pictures can be seen here. If you have a chance to visit the Festival of Trees, do so. It runs through Saturday, 03 December 2011; admission is:

  • $5.00/adults
  • $3.00/children age 2 to 11
  • $4.00/senior citizens.
  • Children under age 2 are free

All proceeds benefit Primary Children’s Medical Center, so it’s a very worthwhile cause.

After the Festival, we picked up the girls, took them home and put them to bed. Then SaraRules! kicked me out of the house… to go to Guys’ Night Out.  (Have I mentioned: “Coolest wife ever” recently? She is.) It was nice to hang out with the guys over beer (Black and Pumpkin!) and food. It was a good way to wrap up a rather good day.

Stray Toasters

And, that should be good for now.



Happy Mon-Thurs-day!

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, everyday glory, family and friends, football, geekery, monkeys!, movies and TV, music, office antics, space, style and fashion, travel, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! 3 Comments »

Monday – 21 November 2011
A new (and greatly abbreviated) work week is upon us. Today is my “Technical Thursday.” Which, I do believe, technically makes it a No Bad News Technical Thursday. So, it is written; so shall it be!

This was a good weekend, all around. Saturday, the girls and I had a few hours’ of Daddy-Daughter time, while SaraRules! went to lunch with a friend. While we didn’t get to as many places as we (okay, okay… as “I”) would have liked, we did manage to put in an appearance at RubySnap. (Natch!)

Yesterday, I was on the fence about sleeping in. At first, I decided to stay up (around 7 AM), about an hour later, I decided that it wasn’t worth it an crawled back into bed. And the girls woke up 20 minutes later. Thus, did the day begin. We had a good day. There was some errand-running. And football-watching. And, after the girls were asleep, TV-watching.

Speaking of the little ladies, here’s a dose of cuteness:

Vanessa (left) and Diana

Added bonus: The girls slept through the night. ALL THE WAY through the night. After we got them up and fed them, I decided to head into the office a little early, so that I can work a little extra time and not have to burn any leave for the Thanksgiving weekend.

Instant Replay: Football
Not only did the Ravens play yesterday, but it was televised here! So, Vanessa and I watched most of the game; SaraRules! and Diana came down to watch the second half with us.

Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens
24 – 31
The Ravens hosted the 0-5 Bengals……and, without Ray Lewis, came away with a win. It wasn’t necessarily pretty, but it still goes in the “W” column.Former Ravens K Matt Stover was inducted into the Ring of Honor.

And, with this win, the Ravens are (once again) #1 in the AFC North.

Sorry, and .


Oakland Raiders at Minnesota Vikings
27 – 21
The Raiders traveled to Minnesota and beat up on the (already downtrodden) Vikes.Congratulations, SaraRules! and .


Stray Toasters


Got to concentrate, don’t be distractive, turn me on tonight, ’cause I’m radioactive…”

art, business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, event, everyday glory, family and friends, football, geekery, movies and TV, politics and law, space, trains/model railroads No Comments »

Thursday – 17 November 2011
Three down, one in the chamber and one to go. Hallelujah. While this hasn’t been a “bad” week, I was irritable/edgy from Sunday through yesterday. The best part: There was no reason to which I could attribute it. Just… bad mood. Period. *shrug* So far, today’s been good and I don’t feel as angst-ridden as the past few days. I consider that a good thing, especially as it’s No Bad News Thursday.

And, there’s football tonight!

Last night, and came by to visit. They caught us up on the latest goings-on. It was a nice way to spend the pre-putting-the-girls-to-bed part of the evening. After the girls were down for the night, I read most of last night’s four-color haul and then joined SaraRules! for an episode of TopGear.

Stray Toasters

I believe that’s a wrap.


“Don’t blame me for your lack of vision, peasant.”

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, office antics, quote of the day, science and technology, space, sports, style and fashion, the world, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, zombies No Comments »

Tuesday – 15 November 2011
Pretty much hit the ground running today.  The girls were up at 5:30 to eat; by the time they were done, it was just about 6:00. Rather than: A) try to get a 25-minute nap or B) sleep through the alarm until (at least) 7:00, I decided to stay up and get ready for work. I was in the office a hair before 7:00. Less than a half-hour later, I was helping to prep a half-full server rack for shipping.

Bonus: The rack had no wheels.

Added bonus: We had to move it out of our office space, into our lobby, downstairs, across sheets of masonite — which we had to leap-frog — from our building through the building lobby to the attached building.. out the door and onto the truck.

Yeah. Today was most definitely one of those “We do more before 9 AM than most people do all day” kind of mornings.

Fortunately, there was coffee involved, as well.

Tonight, SaraRules! has another Justice League meeting. Thus, I’ll be getting a helping had in putting the hatchlings to bed from my sister-in-law.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
Today’s quote comes from a Newsarama interview with John Hodgman:

Hodgman: One of the things I love in comics is serialized storytelling, but that can be a pitfall if you rely too much on what happened last week.

I’m not trying to start feuds. I’m really just expressing feelings of existential anxiety about where all superhero comics are.

And now I really do have to go…

Nrama: Okay, any last thoughts before you go?

Hodgman: I still love everything that Paul Levitz writes. Long Live the Legion!

And that’s that.


“Is there life on Mars…?”

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, environment, everyday glory, family and friends, games, science and technology, space, the world No Comments »

Thursday – 10 November 2011
Hello, NBN Technical Friday!

Last night, while SaraRules! was at her Justice Junior League meeting, ‘s mom, Lori,  came over to help me watch the kids and get them ready for bed…

…as did Josh.

…and Jessica and Corey.

The girls soaked up the attention. It was great. And it truly proved the adage: “Many hands make light work.” Thus, not only were the girls well taken care of, but I got to spend the evening in good company. As an added bonus: Jessica prepared a delicious pot roast, with carrots and potatoes.

This morning, the girls woke up around 5:00. By the time they were back in their bassinets, I had a decision: Catch about 45 minutes of sleep or go to work early. I chose sleep. And that turned into nearly an hour-and-a-half of sleep. Which was good, to be honest.

Not too long after I got to the office, I got a call from my mother-in-law about something beeping in the kitchen. And it was startling the girls a bit. I suspected that it was the fire alarm, whose battery SaraRules! and I hadn’t gotten around to changing. So, back home to avert the girls having meltdowns and help get them ready for breakfast. (Fringe benefit: Mid-day cuddles from the girls!) And then, back to the office.

Tonight, Chris is coming over to play dolls ‘Clix.

Stray Toasters


“You’ve got to be a football hero…”

books, business and economy, computers, event, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, geekery, IKEA, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, space No Comments »

Monday – 07 November 2011
Another week begins. Fortunately, it’s my 9/80 short week.

And, today, Ms. Diana turns two-months-old:

The weekend was a good one.  Highlights included, but were not limited to:

  • SaraRules!’ birthday (yesterday)
  • Spending time with the girls
  • The Ravens beating the Steelers in the closing seconds of their game last night (!)
  • A trip to The Garden of Sweden
  • Picking up Gears of War 3

And then some.

Instant Replay: Football

Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers
23 – 20
The Ravens traveled to the Steel City to take on Big Ben, Troy Polamalu and the rest of the Steelers at Heinz Field.It was a slow, mostly defensive game – which fans pretty much expect from these two teams – with all of the scores in the first half coming from field goals. The Ravens went into halftime with a 9-6 lead.

After the half, Baltimore scored a TD in the third quarter to open up a 16-6 lead. And then,Pittsburgh went to work. They scored 14 unanswered points in the fourth quarter…

…until, with 0:08 left in the game, QB Joe Flacco hit rookie WR Torrey Smith in the back of the end zone for the game-winning 26-yard touchdown — just five plays after dropping what would have been an even longer game-winning reception for touchdown.

Or, to put this in movie terms, I’ll take a line from Nick Fury in Iron Man 2:

Nick Fury: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He took it? You’re Iron Man and he just took it? The little brother walked in there, kicked your ass and took your suit? Is that possible?

Yeah, it was just. Like. That.

And this may be the best post-game quote that I’ve seen so far:

“Heinz Field emptied faster than a runny ketchup bottle.” – John Eisenberg

With this win, Baltimore has swept the Steelers for the season.

Stray Toasters


“that southern smile hides a frightened frown…”

art, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, exhibits, family and friends, food for thought, history, movies and TV, music, politics and law, science and technology, space, sports, style and fashion, zombies No Comments »

Wednesday – 02 November 2011
Midweek. New comics. Fire drill. (Not necessarily in that order.)

Last night, the girls were… agitated… for some reason. They were fussy and restless through bedtime, including during bath time, which they had – until last night – been getting better about dealing with. They were so cranky that we skipped post-bath story time and went straight to “Here’s your bottle. Go to town!” Wait. That’s not entirely true. Nose drops came before feeding… and they’re not fans of nose drops under the best of conditions, so last night’s dose was far from welcome. But, the bottles seemed to make everything better.

After the girls were abed, SaraRules! and I sat down to watch a little TopGear (UK). It was a good way to wind down the evening.

Stray Toasters


“It’s close to midnight and something evil’s lurking in the dark…”

art, books, business and economy, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, event, everyday glory, faith and religion, family and friends, food for thought, geekery, history, movies and TV, music, news and info, space, style and fashion, The Covet List, the world, trains/model railroads, zombies No Comments »

Monday – 31 October 2011
It’s Hallowe’en.

Many people have been posting “Happy Hallowe’en” on their various social media outlets. Thanks to them, I have had the “Silver Shamrock” jingle (from Halloween III: Season of the Witch) running through my head for the past 3+ hours. It’s been about as annoying as the time I had Escape stuck in my head for three days…

The weekend was good, but a bit long and tiring. SaraRules! messed up her back sometime Thursday night/Friday morning. As such, I was the point man for taking care of the girls for most of the weekend. Fortunately, they took a modicum of mercy on me — they weren’t extremely fussy or irritable. (Thank you bouncy chair and swing!)

Diana (left) and Vanessa (right)

But, by the time we were putting them to bed last night, I realized just how tired I was and how ready I was for them to be down for the count.

On the flip side, I was still home when they woke up this morning, so I got kid cuddles before heading to work.

Last night, we also headed up to SaraRules’ parents’ house for dinner, Disney’s Ichabod Crane and Hallowe’en cookie decorating. It’s tradition! (And, it’s pretty fun, too.)

Stray Toasters

And that’s that… for now.


Exit: Weekend. Enter: New work week.

business and economy, comics and animation, computers, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, family and friends, football, games, history, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, opera, space, travel No Comments »

Monday – 17 October 2011
For a day that started with rain and clouds, it’s mighty sunny and bright out there now. And I’m good with that.

This past weekend was a good one. I got to spend it with my three favorite ladies. The younger two even let me sleep in a bit on Friday, which was quite nice. We ran a few errands on Friday, as well, including a trip to RubySnap – for cookies and to make a donation for their “Save the Suzies” breast cancer campaign:


That’s right: We’re all in pink. Just. Like. That.

Friday evening, I actually got a chance to play ‘Clix with the guys! (Thank you, SaraRules!) Chris, Andy and Harley came over and helped me test out a scenario that I’m planning for the next tournament… which I actually get to go and judge  (Thank you again, SaraRules!): I’m “recreating” the DC Comics “War of the Supermen” event from last year’s comics. We play-tested it and it seems as though everything works out pretty well.

Saturday, I kicked off the day with a hot soak and reading magazines. And it was good. In the afternoon, we took the girls to Downtown Philly Cheesesteaks. Oddly, they didn’t eat anything. But, they did get to meet Paul (former boss) and his wife, Mary. We had a nice visit and the girls were incredibly well-behaved the entire time. On the ride home, they got a little angsty, but by that time, they’d been in their car seats for a couple of hours. Saturday evening, Kenneth, Akiba and their kids came over to visit and meet the girls. We hadn’t seen them since… the Horror Movie Baby Shower, so it was nice to get a chance to spend some time hanging out with them.

Yesterday was a lazy, stay-at-home kind of day. And it was good… because the girls couldn’t decide whose turn it was to nap or be awake. So, we were attending to one and/or both all afternoon. (Good thing they’re adorable…) In the evening, Logan came over and had dinner with us and hung out for a bit.

So, all-in-all… it was a good and somewhat relaxed weekend.

Instant Replay: Football
Yesterday had a lot of good – and surprising – games:

Houston Texans at Baltimore Ravens
14 – 29
The Ravens hosted the Texans……and came away with a win, keeping sole possession of the lead in the AFC North.

Ray Lewis… Hey… Hey, Ray!  Yeah!  You just became the first player in NFL history to notch 40 sacks and 30 interceptions!  How does that make you feel?

Yeah, I can dig it!

Cleveland Browns at Oakland Raiders
17 – 24
The Raiders took on the Browns and did some work.Congratulations, SaraRules! and [info]1silver_seraph.

Stray Toasters

Back to it.


While I have a quiet moment or two…

art, comics and animation, everyday glory, exhibits, family and friends, football, geekery, movies and TV, space, style and fashion, travel No Comments »

Monday – 12 September 2011
The last five days have been something of a rollercoaster… but it’s been a great ride. “Schedule” is not a word in the girls’ vocabulary. (Okay, I’ll be honest: They don’t really have a vocabulary yet, but you get the gist.) We came home on Friday… which was funny because for a while I wasn’t sure what day it was. Time took on its own shape and form. Saturday and Sunday were a bit blurry/hazy, in getting adjusted to having the girls around. Between naps and diaper changes and feedings (we’re supplementing with formula for a bit), I was able to catch a little bit of the Steelers-Ravens game yesterday.

I’d like to give a hearty “Thank you” to everyone who has sent well-wishes and congratulations to the new additions to the family. Your support has been great and very welcome — we are very blessed and fortunate to have such good family and friends.

And, an extra special tip of the hat and wave of the cane to SaraRules!’ parents for coming over a couple of times this weekend to give us a little boost.

Twins. Wow.

Stray Toasters
Just a couple of amusing things I’ve seen in the past few days, when I’ve had a moment to peruse the interwebs…

Okay, that’s it for now.
