Tuesday – 06 December 2011
Day Two of the work week finds me south of the county line again. In the words of Lita Ford (among others), “It ain’t no big thing.”

Last night was a relatively quiet night around the household. Over the weekend, there had been talk of putting up the downstairs Christmas tree, but by the time we got home from work, we knew that it just wasn’t going to happen. So, after the girls were abed, SaraRules! and I watched some of the Monday night football game… before we got bored with it and started channel-hopping.

So far, today has been good. (Yep, even despite being in the ‘south forty’ today.) I even got to go to lunch with some of the usual suspects; we hit State Street Grill. It was good. And, it was very filling.

Stray Toasters