Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“Woke up in my clothes again this morning…”

everyday glory, geekery, music, news and info, office antics, science and technology, toys 2 Comments »

Tuesday – 06 May 2008
Okay, I didn’t wake up in my clothes again this morning, but it made for a good subject line. And, I did wake up on the couch. I apparently nodded off while watching TV last night. At some point, I must have turned off the TV… but didn’t muster the muscle power to get up off the couch. Until nearly 4:00 AM.

A few minutes ago, I was sitting here staring out the window and the thought “Marco…? POLO!” ran through my head. It was immediately followed by:

  • Vasco…?
  • Amerigo…?

Bonus points to anyone who can remember their last names… without having to look them up.

Stray Toasters

  • I have Bit-O-Honey candies.
  • What are some of your favorite sources for news:  TV?  Radio?  Internet?  Smoke signals?  I’m not generally given to watching news on TV; I find too much of the coverage to be “human interest” stories and not “news,” especially when looking at local news.  I tend to get most of my news from NPR, BBC News and various sites on the Internet.
  • By way of BoingBoing TV: Sneak Attack and Magic Ink:

  • The Tim Burton Batmobile Is for Sale
  • Win Server 2k3.  Yay.
  • Breastfeeding ‘helps to boost IQ’
  • Mission: Impossible IV?
  • Drivers fined for slow-drive on scenic bridge


By the great, leaking God of Handbags…!

arts and leisure, comics and animation, everyday glory, games, LEGO and Rokenbok, science and technology, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Today has been decent, so far.

I decided to take a slightly different tack on my PHP program. I’m seeing some progress, but I am still getting hung up on trying to pass one – kind of important – variable to a form. I may wind up posting to a few forums and see if anyone can point out where I’m stuck on stupid.

Speaking of forums, I decided to do a little digging and look up a nagging question about the Power Cosmic team ability and Outwit, namely: “Can Outwit negate Power Cosmic?” And it seems as though it cannot. Which means that Galactus should have been a lot more of a force to reckon with than we were playing last night. (When I called Chris with the new information, I could almost picture the wince.) Good to know for next time.

I got an instant message from someone in our California office… saying that their Internet connection was down. An instant message. (Their intranet still worked.) But, I don’t know what she expected me to do from almost 1000 miles away, other than pass the message along to someone else. Which is what I did. I really need to work on that “wiggle your nose and magically fix problems” power.

Stray Toasters



books, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, news and info, politics and law, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Thursday – 24 April 2008
I dislike being sick.

This isn’t to say that I know anyone who enjoys being sick, but I am just asserting that as a preface to the following:

I started feeling a little “off” yesterday around lunchtime. While it wasn’t doing somersaults, my stomach felt a bit queasy. I finally decided to go to lunch around 1:00. Since I was working in the north office, I figured that I’d just go home, take a nap have something light to eat and then head back to the office.

“The best-laid plans of mice and men…” as the saying goes.

I got home and had a difficult time falling asleep. It felt as though as soon as I did, the alarm went off. BAH! I was also feeling a bit cold. I figured that a hot soak would help. It did. Kind of. But I still wasn’t feeling top-of-the-line when I got out, so I crawled back into bed.

Three-and-a-half hours later, I felt a little better. Not great, but enough to function to head back to the office long enough to gather my personal belongings and head back home. Which I did. On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things that would be considered “bland food.”

I got home, put away the food and took up a position on the couch. I watched S.W.A.T. and most of Law & Order before it felt like I needed to spend a little “quality time” in the sanfac. (Bonus points to those who know where ‘sanfac’ comes from.) The chills that I had felt earlier began to give way to sweats. Yay! When I felt up to it, I decided to have another hot soak session. That seemed to help a bit. After finding something comfy – and warm – to put on, I put on some soup, grabbed a Gatorade and resumed my post upon the couch. I watched a bit of David Letterman and Jonny Quest. I don’t remember seeing the end of Jonny Quest

…I don’t really remember much of anything until The Snorks came on. I checked the clock. 6:00 AM. Hm. Okay. I ignored The Snorks – and pretty much everything else – until the alarm went off at 6:35. I headed for the bedroom, turned off the alarm and sprawled across the bed. I fell asleep again. When I finally woke up, I noticed something: I was feeling much closer to baseline “human” than I did last night. I started milling around the apartment. There was a definite improvement in the way I was feeling. A definite fringe benefit of my metabolism (“ferret on crack,” as puts it) is that I don’t tend to get really sick very often; and when I do get sick, I don’t tend to stay sick very long. And, to be honest: Last night/this morning was one of the times I was very glad of that. I’d say that I’m feeling probably 85-90% of normal.

Tonight, I’ll probably wind up on the couch again, watching CSI: and generally taking it easy. I think I can handle that. Besides, I have Jell-O! “There’s always room for Jell-O.”

Stray Toasters

  • loonybin88 pointed out this article to me yesterday. My response: “It’s a fucking bear! DUH!” Let me first say that I feel badly for Stephan Miller’s family’s loss. But… IT WAS A BEAR! No matter how many safety precautions one takes, at the end of the day it’s still an animal that acts on instincts; the bear may have just been playing, as far as it was concerned. The consequences of its actions, however, have now raised a quandary as to what should be done with the bear:
    • Should it be put down? In my opinion, “No.”
    • Should it be released into the wild? I don’t think so… are its survival instincts refined enough to deal with being returned to its “native” environment? I don’t know.
    • Could it possibly be donated to a zoo? I don’t know, but this seems like the possible “best of both worlds” option to me.
  • I have discovered a new (to me) comics-related blog: Living Between Wednesdays
  • One of the last things you feel like doing when you’re sick is check your mail. I didn’t check mine yesterday. Had I, I would have found my Green Lantern John Stewart Minimates figure. That would have been something to smile about yesterday.
  • Wait… I did have something that not only made me smile, it downright made me laugh: invited some folks to dinner at Jitterbug and a showing of Forgetting Sarah Marshall last night. When I got her message, I told her that I wasn’t feeling well and would have to take a raincheck. That spawned the following messages:

    applevenus: Sorry about your herpes.
    applevenus: Spydr says sorry about your herpes.
    me: I’ll get some ointment.
    applevenus: Ha. Ha. Ha. Have fun.

  • Details interview with John Waters
  • For SaraRules and other fans of Pinkberry: The All-Natural Taste That Wasn’t
  • Caffeinate With Care: Small Shots Do a Brain Better Than Large Blasts
  • Maureen McHugh’s Brilliant short stories available as free Creative Commons download
  • BoingBoing has an article entitled Creepy/catchy “It’s Not a Compound” remix, featuring this video:

And it’s snowing. Again.


“Code Monkey get up, get coffee… Code Monkey go to job…”

arts and leisure, comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, music, news and info, office antics, quote of the day, science and technology, toys, travel No Comments »

Monday – 14 April 2008
Another week begins.

Alarm clocks are a necessary evil. That said, the day started with me hitting snooze more times than I had intended. After the hygiene rituals were observed and the car was packed, I began my journey back to north-central Utah. The drive was uneventful. And there weren’t any monkeys to speak of.

I got into the office and checked my email. Among them was one from Friday morning, asking me to submit my time card. *blink blink* Then, I checked the timestamp on the email: It was sent roughly two minutes before I submitted my time card, which means that I was already on the system and preparing to submit it before the email was sent. *sigh*

<< Rewind <<
Yesterday afternoon, SaraRules and I headed to the MFA house so that she could do some work… and I could use the connection there to make my way to Paragon City. We were both successful in our endeavors. Nefer-Tem is now a little less than 2 bars away from Level 50.

Steph and Kim decided to have a Taco Fiesta for dinner last night. Chicken and beef. Hard and soft shells. When dinner was done, we played Buzzword: The Not 5s (the roommates) vs. The 6-7-8s (honorary roommates). The 6-7-8s won. Barely.

Mark and Lish came over a little later. Mark asked our opinions about the Ballroom Dance Concert (he’s the director of that program); we gave him feedback. Then… it was time to play 3-way Slayer HALO. Selah. (Mark pwned both of us. Repeatedly. I need to practice.)

I showed Steph how to make the s’mores brownies. Lish said that he might try making them himself… and that he wanted to get a chef’s torch, so that he could toast the marshmallows. Ah, pyromania. A little later, Darillyn and Lish played shot glass checkers:

Lish won both games. However, Darillyn came up with a number of “Unintentional Porn Overheard in…” quotes.

> Play >
I found out that I need to add some more systems to my db and tweak the UI to be able to select from any/all systems.

Back in the saddle again:

  • Leg Raises: 3 sets – 1 set, full extension; 2 sets, bent leg (lowered to only 45°)
  • Bench Press (dumbbell): 3 sets/12 reps, 60 lbs
  • Pull-downs: 3 sets/15 reps, 130 lbs
  • Rows (T-bar style, with a barbell): 3 sets/12 reps, 55 lbs
  • Tricep Press: 3 sets/12 reps, 120 lbs
  • Core: 4 sets – 2 sets/full extension, 45 secs.; 2 sets/elbows, 30 secs.

Pre-workout weight: 175.6 lbs.

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day
As I mentioned above, Darillyn made some special “Unintentional Porn Overheard in…” quotes while playing checkers with Lish:

  • “I can’t reach that with my face”
  • “I was so waiting to jump you there.”
  • “You get confused about a lot of things, but I’m not going to point them out.”
  • “Hold on, I can’t get him out – he’s sticky.”
  • “I got it out this time.”
  • “You just jumped me. It’s my turn.”

Checkers and alcohol. Who knew?!


“Look! Up in the sky..!

comics and animation, cyberpunk/steampunk, everyday glory, games, geekery, news and info, science and technology, toys No Comments »

Wednesday: Coda
Lunch with the guys was good… even if our server wasn’t so hot. In the forty or so minutes that we were there, I think he hit our table twice – possibly three times – after bringing our drinks. “Unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks?” Not so much today. I had to actually keep myself from leaving the tip that I had originally estimated leaving.

It snowed, intermittently, this afternoon. Code Monkey and I went out for our afternoon constitutional. We made it around the campus as the stormfront rolled in. It started coming down just as we got back to the building.

After work, I headed to Dr. Volt’s. I picked up this week’s four-color crack when I noticed something on the wall: New packs of Crisis boosters. Before I checked out, I gave in and decided to get a box. Ever since seeing Dave do his “weigh the box” trick that scored me Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, I’ve been using it to pick out which boosters I want to buy. I picked up five boxes, felt the way they balanced and picked Box #2. After paying for it, I opened the box. Guess who was waiting inside:

Earth-2 Superman

That’s right: Earth-2 Superman. Super-Rare. Unique. I was shocked. Very happy, but shocked. (I was even more shocked when I looked it up on eBay.) Or, as put it, when I told him about the figure and its going rate on eBay:

: blink
Me: I will remind you that this is a piece of plastic. Less than 3″ tall.

Feeling jazzed by my pick, I decided to get another box. Two decent figures in this one: Monarch and The Spectre. Neither of them was quite the catch that Superman was, but they are still good pulls.

Home. Laundry. Puttering about. Reading of this week’s four-color haul… and a lot of the books were good, solid slug-fests. Hero, meet Villain. Villain, Hero. FIGHT!

Stray Toasters

I think that I should track down something dessert-like.


Afternoon Ramblings

comics and animation, everyday glory, office antics, style, The Covet List, toys 2 Comments »

I finally got the preliminary form of my database up and running, thanks to a key bit of help from in getting around a DNS issue. Now, I’m playing around with it, trying to be a bit more selective of the displayed data. Once I get that taken care of, I can work on making it look pretty.

After my post this morning, welcomed me to “Tie Tuesday.” And it was, apparently, a purple day, too. As part of my response to his post, I took a shot of myself… which also counts as (yet) another self-portrait:

In other news, Diamond Select Toys has a couple of things that I found interesting (and one possible addition to The Covet List):

  1. Captain America figure – Bucky “Winter Soldier” Barnes version
  2. Civil Bore War Minimates.

I should make more s’mores brownies.

“Run, coward!”

everyday glory, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, style, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Monday – 31 March 2008
And so, March comes to a close.

This morning, we woke to snow (SNOW!!!) in the valley. SaraRules made the executive decision to wait a few hours before getting on the road, in the hopes that UDoT would make sure that the roads were clear. (Good call on her part.) So, we had a lazy morning in. Yes, “we.” I mean, c’mon… if she was going to stick around for a while, I didn’t see much point in me dashing off to work early.

I got into the office, after a stop for a large, triple-shot-laden cup of frozen mocha goodness. I had some problems getting MySQL installed and running on Defiant. I had to get ‘s assistance on nailing down the problem.

SaraRules decided not to leave until 1:00-ish, so we decided to have lunch. Dask’s. Lamb gyros. Very good. After she dropped me off at work, she headed for the southlands. She messaged me a few times because she noted a particularly increased presence of UHP. I noted that it might be because it’s the end of the month. *shrug*

Reeling by on Celluloid
Last night, we saw Doomsday with Chris and Mary. The movie wasn’t as bad as we had feared. Far from it, in fact. And, I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of “names” in the film, too:

It was even… fun. Yes, there were a couple of plot holes, but on the whole, it wasn’t painful. (At least, not for us. Chris had a couple of things that he had a hard time getting past.) On the whole, it was a decent movie. I might even be picking this up on DVD when it comes out.

Stray Toasters

  • I cleaned out a couple of my closets last night. Goodwill (or D.I. or some other charitable organization) is about to get a HEALTHY donation of clothes.
  • said… something… that I wanted to quote the other night, but damned if I can remember what it was.
  • Mrs. duckspeaker, on the other hand, also said something quote-worthy. But, as she knows where I live, I think that I shall refrain from reprinting it.
  • Children must learn to fear Sinistar
  • As a fan of (some) Saturday morning fare – and Cartoon Network/Boomerang – I see a number of commercials for toys/games/whatever targeted at kids. One such commercial is for dolls from High School Musical. In the umpteen viewings of said commercial, I have heard the voiceover announcer saying which dolls/characters were available and, the last one always made me wonder: “Did they just say “Shar Pei!?”Last night, after the movie, I had to stop at ShopKo to pick up a couple things I had neglected to get earlier in the day. Then I decided to stroll down the toy aisles. It turned out that the store had the High School Musical dolls. So, I looked for at the names…

    And then I saw it: Sharpay.

    What in the Nine Hells? When they were coming up with the script for this, WHO thought it would be a good idea to name a character after a dog breed?! And why didn’t someone think,”Y’know… this might not be the greatest of names…” and edit it to something else? Something normal. (Yeah, yeah… I know, this coming from the guy who gets a perverse pleasure out of checking out the names on Utah Baby Namer.)

  • LEGO Art on Display at Burlington Mall (in Burlington, Canada)
  • Defaced presidents on Flickr
  • Circuit City Tries to Install Navigation System, Causes $12,119 Damage to Your Car
  • “It’s Frahn-ken-steen!”
  • Creepily lifelike CGI woman
  • IBM banned from government contracts
  • A Very Microscale Stargate

And that’s a wrap.


“Earthshine – stretching out your hand, full of starlit diamonds…”

arts and leisure, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, news and info, toys, zombies No Comments »

Friday – 28 March 2008
I don’t know what came over me, but I was completely wiped out by midnight last night. I think that I was actually in bed by 12:15 AM. And I didn’t wake up until 8:00 this morning. Egad!

At least it’s Friday, though.

After work, I made a few stops before heading home with the intent of watching CSI:… but once again, I forgot that we’re smack dab in the middle of March Madness. One of those stops was at a comic shop in West Valley. Chris had them hold a piece of plastic crack for me. A big piece of crack:

The Devourer of Worlds

That’s right, True Believers, Galactus. 1800 points (and 19-clicks!) of world-devouring doom. I think that he’d make a nice counterpart for Phoenix. I mentioned it to Don; his comment:

“So if the regular ones are plastic crack, that one must be plastic Crystal Meth”

Yeah, I’d say that’s about right.

I also picked up Master Chief and Cortana figures from McFarlane Toys’ HALO 3 collection – as this seemed to be the only place in town that still had any of them. Not… that I’ve… looked. Much. Or anything like that.

Stray Toasters


“It’s gonna be another long one tonight, with just me and my well-intentioned spite…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, geekery, music, news and info, politics and law, toys 2 Comments »

Wednesday – 26 March 2008
Whew. It’s been a day. I’ve been fighting PHP and MySQL… and discovering the differences of installing MySQL on a Windows machine versus installing it on Defiant. I also got to wrestle with changes that my host made to their “create a new email” feature. Some would argue that it’s “easier” and/or “more simple.” To some degree, it is. But it wasn’t what I was expecting.

Sushi Wednesday is moving to Thursdays, it seems. Today, we went to Olive Garden. Almost all of us had the soup and salad with breaksticks special. I must say: It was a decent change of pace, both in the sense of not having sushi for lunch and in having something different than my usual fare at Olive Garden.

Last night, The Hand of Nefer-Tem hit Security Level 48.

I read this op-ed piece, Donna Brazile offers Hillary Clinton a reminder about Rev. Wright, yesterday. It was an interesting read. And, yes, it would be easy to jump on the bandwagon about Sen. Clinton’s… “creatively remembered” (or would that be “revisionist” or “retconned”) versions of events, but I’m not going to do that. This time.

Instead, I was more taken by one of the comments that I read. When I originally saw the article, there were only three (3) comments on it. When I returned to it a few hours later, there were three dozen or more. The particular comment that struck me was this one:

Obama is our Savior. Barak and Reverend Wright are Right, God D*** america. Now is the time to rally around Barak and Michelle and make them proud! And news flash america, Barak is right, your typical white american is a racist! Obama will apologize to our Muslim brothers for arrogant american policies of hate and slavery. Only Obama can forgive an evil nation founded slavery. REPARATIONS NOW!


Posted by: Obamamania

By the time I hit the third sentence, the following lines from Styx’ Mr. Roboto came to mind:

I’m not a hero, I’m not a saviour
Forget what you know.

…and that was almost immediately followed by these lines from Queen’s Flash’s Theme:

Just a man
With a man’s courage
You know he’s
Nothing but a man
And he can never fail
No one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail

While becoming the President of the United States is a rather lofty goal, I’m not sure that I’d necessarily call it “the Golden Grail.” And, I won’t say that Senator Obama is without his failings. He’s human.

There have been those who have touted him as a hero. Or a possibly “a great Black leader.” Of course, there have also been those who have said that he’s “not Black enough,” or “just Black enough to not be ‘too scary’ to White voters.”

Another respondent to the piece pointed out something that I hadn’t considered: Obamamania’s comment was most likely a supporter of Senator McCain who was flaming the op-ed piece. After some thought, that seemed rather plausible.

How about this: At no time during this campaign have I heard Senator Obama claim to be anything other than a man who wants to make a difference and hopefully bring about some change. He has addressed issues of race with candor, but – in my opinion – has not attempted to use it as a soapbox or a crutch.

And I can – and do – respect that.

Stray Toasters

  • I stopped in to visit Kate and Perry after work last night. They were watching American Idol. “When in Rome…” Apparently, this week’s challenge (or whatever they call it on Idol) was for the contestants to sing a song from the year they were born. There were some rather decent renditions of songs performed. Then, David Cook came onstage and performed a version of Billie Jean (yes, Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean), that I believe he arranged. It was pretty impressive.

  • After his performance, Perry suggested that I check out Cook’s arrangement of Lionel Richie’s Hello. I did. And I thought that it was rather good, as well…as was his Eleanor Rigby. He has good stage presence and seems to react/interact with his crowd well. He easily could become someone to watch – or listen – for on the radio in the not-too-distant future. (Listen to the judges’ comments on his performance, too.)

  • Cartoonist sets out to take taboo out of swastika
  • Endor Express offers up a look at upcoming Disney/Lucasfilm toys.
  • I have no idea what I want for dinner.
  • Dyscalculia
  • Marvel has released the trailer for Next Avengers – their next direct-to-video animated feature
    Entertainment Weekly has a 10-page preview of Marvel’s upcoming Secret Invasion limited series.
  • Keith Giffen’s “Unfortunate Confluence of Words.”

    (click image to read the article)

  • What if Clark Kent worked for Barry White instead of Perry White?
  • Pilot’s gun fired during flight
  • Correction: I now know what I’m having for dinner.


“Robot Girl, Robot Girl, move your arms a few degrees north…”

everyday glory, family and friends, games, geekery, LEGO and Rokenbok, science and technology, The Covet List, toys, workout No Comments »

Tuesday – 25 March 2008
To quote Mr. Rogers: “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.” It’s a bit cloudy, but on the whole, the sun is out and there are spots of blue skies to be seen.

Last night, I played a little CoH. After a few minutes’ roaming without anything to do, I was invited to join a few players with whom I have teamed before. We tried a “stop the bank heist” mission. Operative word: “Tried.” What we didn’t know was that Lord Recluse was part of the crew robbing the bank. That’s right: CoH/CoV’s Number One bad guy himself. Maybe he lost his PIN and really needed some cash. I dunno. Whatever the reason, he cleaned our clocks. Without breaking a sweat. (And that’s quite a feat for someone with ten arms. (Okay, technically, I guess it’s “ten legs,” but either way it’s still impressive.) We failed that mission. Next, we took on Chimera and some of his goons. That went much better. Sure, some of us died a few times, but we completed the mission.

Today’s workout was good. Eric and I decided to change up a few things and do a few exercises that we’ve ignored for a while:

  • Decline Bench Press: 3 sets/15 reps, 155 lbs.
  • Upright Row: 3 sets/15 reps, 50 lbs.
  • Overhead Tricep Press: 3 sets/50 lbs. (12 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps)
  • Front Raises: 3 sets/10 reps, 20 lbs.
  • Reverse Curls: 3 sets/15 reps, 45 lbs.
  • Wrist Curls: 3 sets/15 reps, 45 lbs.
  • Back Extensions: 2 sets/15 reps (second set done with a 10-lb. plate)

Post-workout weight: 173.4 lbs.

Stray Toasters


“Here comes the sun…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?!, workout No Comments »

Thursday – 20 March 2008
Today is the first day of Spring.
(Oddly enough, the weather here seems spring-like. Go figure.)

<< Rewind <<
After dinner last night, SaraRules and I walked down to the Red Mango and had cups of yogurt for dessert. It was not, however, the frozen yogurt that I was used to. It was… tart; it is apparently closer to the “plain” yogurt than it is to the frozen yogurt that most places sell. This is not to say that it wasn’t good, though. It was. I had dark chocolate chips and sliced almonds in it, for flavor.

After we got back to the apartment, we watched the second disc of I Am Legend, the unreleased-in-theatres version. There were a few things that were a little closer to the book, but still not… quite… there. And I wasn’t as satisfied by the revised ending as I was the theatrically-released ending.

> Play >
Today has been a good day, all around. I worked out of the south office today; longer commute, but that also meant that I got to go to the gym. And, as an added bonus: Wes was in AF again, so he worked out with us. Speaking of which, today’s workout consisted of:

  • Pull-ups: 3 sets/10 reps (2½ unassisted sets, ½ assisted set @ 80 lbs)
  • Leg Raises (full extension): 3 sets/20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/8 reps (2 sets/225 lbs, 1 set: 205 lbs/6 reps, 185/3 reps)
  • T-bar Rows: 3 sets/10 reps, 45 lbs
  • Push-ups: 3 sets/20 reps

We tried max bench press again today, but at 285 pounds. Eric was able to lower it, but couldn’t lift it; I managed to get one rep. One very slow rep. But, I did it. It’s not 300, but it’s back on the road to it.

Pre-workout weight: 174.8 lbs.

Stray Toasters


“…learning that we’re only immortal for a limited time.”

books, everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, news and info, science and technology, The Covet List, toys No Comments »

Friday – 14 March 2008
First off: Happy Hatching Day to :

And, as made a post about it being Steak & Blowjob Day:

Now, on to our regularly scheduled programming.

After work, I stopped to say “Hi” to Kate, Perry and the kids on the way home. Then, it was on to Target to pick up a few things and then home. I got home a little after 8:30, figuring that I would catch the tail end of CSI: while I waited for dinner to cook. I need not have worried – it was a rerun. I channel-surfed while eating dinner. Then it was time to take it to the streets… of Paragon City. I ran a solo Vanguard mission and then joined an SG-mate and a few others for a 50+ mission. By the time I was done, I was over half-way to Security Level 47.

This morning, I got up to take the car in for an oil change and to get the driver’s side front turn signal assembly replaced. The first question Ian (the associate who usually handles my car service issues) asked was: “Can you leave it with us for a couple of hours?”

*blink blink*

The light assembly is mounted behind some restraining brackets and the bumper – which is why I’m not replacing it myself – but I didn’t think it was going to take quite that long. So, I rescheduled for tomorrow morning. Undaunted, I left the dealership and met Perry for pre-work coffee.

And it’s been snowing. Again. Yee-haw.

Stray Toasters

  • was talking with Coworker DaveW about a new Pontiac commercial. I was intrigued because he said that it was a take on the old Spy Hunter game. So I checked it out for myself. The commercial is chock full of awesomeness:
  • What are your operating system, web browser and email client(s) of choice?
    I’m an OSX and WinXP, Firefox (both platforms) and Thunderbird (bot platforms) user.
  • Thanks to for the following:


    A… cardinal… who wants to be….
    Oh, Hell… I if I have to explain it, just move 0n.

  • From CNN: They would rather die than get help
  • PHP
  • From xkcd: “Morning”
  • This link leads to action-figure.com‘s coverage of Toy Fare 2008. It has MANY things that could be added to the Covet List there. Many, indeed.

And, thanks to putting in some extra hours on the front end of the week, today will be an abbreviated work day. Amen.


“A constant craving has always been…”

arts and leisure, books, comics and animation, Council for Better Driving, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, games, geekery, movies and TV, music, news and info, style, The Covet List, toys, workout No Comments »

Friday – 07 March 2008
The re-piping project in my apartment started bright and early (8:00 AM) yesterday. When I got home, the first phase was pretty much complete… leaving a number of holes throughout the walls and ceiling of the apartment. This included a hole in the wall between the bedroom and the maintenance closet (outside). This meant that I had a rather drafty hole that allowed a good deal of cold air into the bedroom… almost directly over the bed. So, I jerry-rigged a light cover to try and keep some of the air out. It was nominally effective. Pictures here.

SaraRules came into town last night. We headed to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. Cheese Fries. Prime Rib. Very tasty. We had a great server, as well. Her name was Jennifer. She was attentive, helpful, very pleasant and just all-around “good.”

Yesterday’s workout – the first in nine or ten days – was good… but painful.  “Good pain,” despite how oxymoronic that sounds:

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 55 lbs.
  • Dumbbell Fly: 3 sets/10 reps, 35 lbs.
  • Push-ups (elevated): 3 sets/15 reps
  • Bench Dips 3 sets/15 reps
  • Rows (upright, barbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 50 lbs
  • Tricep Press (cable): 3 sets/15 reps, 80 lbs

Yesterday’s post-workout weight: 172.4 lbs.
Stray Toasters


“Ah’m so hungry, ah could eat a wagon wheel!”

comics and animation, everyday glory, games, geekery, IKEA, LEGO and Rokenbok, movies and TV, music, news and info, style, toys No Comments »

Thursday – 06 March 2008
I woke up a little later than planned this morning. I made up for it by doing my best impression of The Flash and was ready to roll shortly thereafter. Of course, to make up for such a metabolic surge, I stopped at the local B&B for a frozen mocha. Double shot. Shaken, not stirred.

The crew from SageWater showed up this morning a couple of minutes before eight. One of the guys – I’m assuming the lead on the project, if not just for my apartment – noticed my Ravens pennant on the wall. He asked if I was familiar with Baltimore; I told him that I grew up there. He then mentioned that their company was based out of North Carolina (which I already knew), so I asked which part (which I didn’t know). Raleigh. I then mentioned that I had a sister who went to school in Durham and grew up outside of Greensboro. He went on to tell me how broadly he travels with the company. (A LOT!) His next job is in Seattle. I neglected to ask how long they are typically on the road.

Stray Toasters


“Superman and Green Lantern ain’t got nothing on me…”

comics and animation, dining and cuisine, everyday glory, food for thought, games, geekery, movies and TV, news and info, science and technology, toys, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...?! No Comments »

Sunday – 02 March 2008
It’s been a quiet and lazy day.
And that’s not a bad thing.

The morning didn’t start (for me) with comics and coffee in bed. It did start with coffee – and SaraRules did read the most recent acquisition of The Walking Dead in bed – but we wound up in the living room listening to music and hanging out.

In the afternoon, we headed to Jitterbug for a coffee and a quick bite to eat with . Next stop, Toys R Us. After all, it’s “The World’s Biggest Toy Store.” It wasn’t the longest TRU excursion on record, but it was nevertheless fun. And I managed to find a Justice Lords (1, 2) 3-pack of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman.

From there, on to SaraRules’ parents’ house for dinner and to hang out. After dinner, we watched 30 Days of Night. During the first third to half of the movie, I multi-tasked and played City of Heroes while watching the movie. By the time I was done, I was three bars closer to Level 46. Not too shabby for 30-40 minutes’ work. After the movie – and talking geek with SaraRules’ dad for a bit – we headed home. Since it was still early, we decided to watch something fairly light before calling it a night. We agreed on Justice League: The New Frontier. SaraRules liked it, especially because of its different spin on the characters; I liked it because… well, yeah.. “just because.” Duh.

This morning came early. Very early. We got up, ready and out the door and had breakfast at Paradise Bakery and Cafe before SaraRules had to head off to pick up one of her roommates and hit the road for southern Utah.

Chew on This: Food for Thought
This I Believe – Leaving Work Early to Watch the Sunset

Stray Toasters

“…right on to the friction of the day.”
