Monday – 07 May 2007
Lazy day.

Imagine that… a lazy day… on a vacation.  Who would have thought such a thing possible?!  But here it was.  I slept in.  I stayed around the house for a while.  Mom decided that she needed a new printer, so I made a trip to the not-so-local (but-full-of-fun-things) Best Buy.  One printer, one cable (and one copy of Snakes & Arrows) later, I was on the way back home.

It was also a nominally productive day.  I…

  • …installed the printer and hardware
  • …replaced a tail light in Mom’s car
  • …went to the grocery store
  • …visited an aunt whom I hadn’t gotten to see over the weekend
  • …still…need to do…. laundry.

Four out of five ain’t bad.  And I did get to see tonight’s episode of 24.
Tomorrow, I get to chase the sun.  Tomorrow evening, that is.  Tomorrow morning, I want to try and catch up a couple of my old teachers.

Stray Toasters
