Good day on the front lines.
Good day all around.

Song of the Day
As I got my first check at the new job AND my last check from the old one, today’s SotD is Johnny Kemp’s Just Got Paid from “Secrets of Flying.”

Quote of the Day
Taken from tonight’s conversation with :

[01:14] ShadoRunr: Secret….AGENT man….
[01:14] ShadoRunr: Secret….AGENT man….
[01:14] : think i’m gonna start simcity 3k
[01:14] ShadoRunr: They’ve given you a number…
[01:14] ShadoRunr: They’ve taken away your name.
[01:14] : lol…ya know i swear i thought that was secret asian man for YEARS

Stray Toasters

  • I heard the Bing/Bowie song (Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth) tonight. I was happy.
  • When I went to the REC to get the final payoff, one of my former co-workers came up to me and said,”Where have you been hiding? I haven’t seen you in a while…” I looked at him and simply said, “I quit… 2 weeks ago.” You could have knocked him over with the proverbial feather. I saw a few others (who were aware that I had quit. They said that they were both jealous that I had “escaped” and glad that I was happy and doing well. Gotta love that positive reinforcement.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, ST: Nemesis (which I neglected to mention seeing, but did enjoy), and LotR: The Two Towers. Having seen those, does anyone out there have any recommendations for something that I should try to see on the silver screen?
  • I talked to the paternal parental unit tonight. Apparently, my sister has made it home (from the Ukraine) safely. This would be a good thing.

    Okay, that’s about all for now. I it’s time to hit the rack.
