Friday – 21 October 2011
It’s almost the weekend. Amen. “Almost” because it’s my 9/80 “on” Friday. No worries. It’s quiet around here and I can get a couple of things taken care of. In fact, I’ve already put out one minor and one potentially major fire. And, I’ve even eaten lunch already.

Last night, SaraRules! came home with a new technique for swaddling the girls. She showed me the method: It involves the use of two sheets, as compared to the usual one, and it’s quite effective. It took the twins a little while to get used to the fact that their hands aren’t free to flail about… but they seem to be adapting to it. And, it seems to have helped them sleep better. We will see how it fares in prolonged use.

SaraRules! also sent me a terminally cute picture of Vanessa this morning:

Yeah, she’s a little cutie.

Stray Toasters
