Saturday (coda)
Today was a very good day.  After being far too lazy with my morning and early afternoon, I made it out to get a frozen mocha.  Then I thought about the fact that I hadn’t eaten anything, either.  So, I stopped at Barbacoa.  I came home and devoured the burrito and slaked my thirst with mocha.

and onlyaly had talked about getting sushi last night at Clitorati.  Having only tried it once before, I asked if I could join the outing.  So, the three of us – and – went to Tsunami (“Nucular Toonami!”).  We ordered a few different types… and I also ordered a squid nigiri.  And it was good.  All of it.  Well, all of it that I tried – there was one that had roe on it, of which I am not a fan, so I skipped that.  Since we were next to the movie theatre, we decided to see if anything struck our fancy.  We opted for Marky Mark and the Gun-toting Bunch…. I mean Shooter.  It was pretty good.  In fact, it was a little better than I was expecting.  But, for some reason, I kept thinking about The Big Hit, which I need to buy. We headed back to onlyaly and ‘s for a bit before breakfast.  And then… breakfast.  There was some decent people-watching tonight.  And I acquired a couple “new” chairs.

Stray Toasters
