Monday – 05 January 2015
Day 5: Write a letter to a loved one. Chances are high that there is someone in your life that you’d like to say something important to. Maybe it’s a wife, a parent, a grandparent you never really got to say goodbye to…take the time today to write that out. It can be positive, negative, or anywhere in between. The beauty of this letter is that you aren’t sending it in the mail, you’re simply “voicing” something that needs to be said. Should you choose to share it later, that’s okay, but you don’t have to. Doing this can be a great way to heal anger that’s been pent up inside, or to release a pressure valve of sadness we may have been harboring over something lost.

This is another fairly easy and straightforward item. All of my biological grandparents were deceased by the time I got married or had kids. I have been fortunate and blessed enough to have step-grandparents (and a grandfather-in-law) and a pretty kick-ass great-grandmother-in-law (seriously, how many hyphens can I fit in a name!?), to help fill in the gaps.

But, I’d still love the chance to say a few things to my grandparents. So…

I hope that you’re well. You’re definitely missed. And you’ve missed out on some pretty interesting things

For starters, I moved to Utah. (Okay, Grandma N. knew that one…) Yes, Utah. Long story, short version: I met someone and wound up moving out here. It didn’t exactly work out. That’s okay. Things got better.

Fast forward a few years… and I met Sara.


Not only is she amazing, but she puts up with me, too. We met in… 2002 or 2003, I think – it may have been a year or so earlier – as part of the same coffee and beer group, but we were both seeing other people at the time. A few years after that, we met at another coffee-and-beer function and she asked me out. I said “yes,” and we went out a few weeks later. And kept going out. And, finally…


…and bought a house…


…and had a couple kids…





2014-09-13 - Third Birthday Party with Wonder Woman

I’m sorry that you never got the chance to meet Sara and the girls. You’d love them.

I’m sorry that you didn’t get to be here for a lot of things.

But, mostly I miss you being around.
