I woke up this morning and the first thought that went through my head was: “Maybe I should call and say that I will be in around noon.” That was immediately followed by: “I should say that I’m going to work from home.” That, in turn, was followed by me dragging myself out of bed and getting to the business of the morning preparation rituals.

Work wasn’t bad. It was a good day and time passed rather quickly.

After work, Jess and I grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to off for Monday night gaming. On the plus side, no one died. On the minus side, I gained another heaping helping of paradox. *sigh* But, that’s fine. It’s part of the game… and I chose to take it rather than have it spill over and affect the others in my group. After the game had broken up, I talked with about my thoughts on the game and the reason that I chose to portray my character in a certain manner. He seemed to grok in fullness. There are a few options open to me, but I like the path that I am on.

NPR and PRI Stories
Talk of the Nation: Samurai
All Things Considered: The Supreme Court and ‘Brown v. Board of Education’
All Things Considered: Commentary: Grinch’s True End (This made me laugh.)
All Things Considered: Commentary: Experimenting with Race
All Things Considered: Teen Hopes to Conquer Yosemite Peaks
The World: Global Hit – Puffy Amiyumi (They do the theme to Cartoon Network’s Teen Titans.)

Stray Toasters

  • As mentioned above, Puffy Amiyumi was featured on The World… and I finally got off the fence about making “icon #11” a Cyborg icon.
  • It looks as though and I will engage in Covenant eradication on Wednesday evening.
  • Wired has an article on using magnets to remove toxins from the bloodstream.
  • Paul Simon said that there are “…fifty ways to leave your lover,” but that comes up a little short compared to this: 108 Ways to Do the “Towers of Hanoi”. Yes, this gentleman has A LOT of time on his hands.

There’s something in the back of my mind that’s waving it’s arms frantically and trying to tell me that there is something else that I meant to put in this post. But I have no idea what it is. So, I’ll sleep on it. If it was important, it will come back to me. If it wasn’t, then there’s no real loss.
