Another week comes to a close.

This morning came far too soon after closing my eyes for a few hours’ sleep. The fact that I was up before the alarm went off didn’t help matters much. I dragged myself into the bathroom and took a shower. A long shower. I think that I was in there for at least fifteen minutes. And it felt great. Then, it was off to face the day.

My caffeinestream was horribly diluted, so I stopped at the local Beans & Brews for a much-needed cup of frozen mocha goodness. It was there that I did my good deed for the day: The woman ahead of me in line had her card declined, so I told the clerk to add her coffee to mine. Both of them looked a little unsure of how to respond. The woman asked how she could repay me; I told her to just make sure that she had a nice day.

The work day was good and productive. But the best part of the work day was post-lunch. Walking back to my team lead’s car, he asked: “So, are you driving back?” It took me a half-beat to respond,”I guess I am.” And with that, I got behind the wheel of his shiny, red Barchetta BMW 325. (Sorry, Nyx.) BMWs are called “the ultimate driving experience.” After the trip back to the office, I understood why: That had to be one of the best-handling and most responsive vehicles I have ever driven. And, it moved. Quickly. I looked down at one point to see that I was cruising along at 80MPH. I tried to nudge it back down to the other side of 75. No, really, I tried. It wasn’t easy. I think that I got it back down to the high 60s by the time I got to the off-ramp to get to the office.

After work, I hung out with and for a bit. I also renewed my distaste/dislike for UDoT (as in “Fuckin’ UDoT”). They are doing construction on a few of the major east-west roads… during rush hour. Yep… there’s a real genius behind their planning. A cross-town trip from Nyx and Nox’ place takes about fifteen minutes, depending on traffic. Today’s trip took almost forty-five. *braincramp*

Tonight’s Clitorati gathering was good and it made even better by ‘s appearance. I talked to about an idea that I had concerning the various James Bond themes; I think that I gave him an idea for a project of his own. I even remembered to break out my pencil and sketchbook. I just did a couple of quick (read: “rough”) sketches, but I felt good about actually doing something rather than regretting not having done it.

Stray Toasters

  • informed me that SprintPCS has Schoolhouse Rock ringtones available. I’ve been looking for something to replace the ringtone that I had on my old phone: The James Bond Theme. This means that I could possibly have Conjunction Junction as (one of) my ringtone(s).
  • As I was leaving the office this afternoon, I saw a woman walking through the lobby, dragging a wheeled bag behind her. As she walked away, I noticed something… “odd” …about her bag: There were purple LEDs set into the wheels.
  • Wow. According to Marvel’s X-Men Panel, at WizardWorld: Philly, Jean Grey is really dead.

    Speaking as to why Marvel seems to continually kill Jean Grey, Quesada joked that she was the Kenny of Marvel’s South Park. On the more serious side, Quesada said that she wasn’t coming back, and that she’s really dead – today. Quesada continued, saying that he still feels that characters should only come back from the dead if the return is part of a great story, and given the poignancy and heart of Greg Pak and Greg Land’s Endsong, it would be a major challenge to tell of her return.

  • In something that sounds like a remake of The Core, scientists are attempting to explore the center of the Earth.
  • “Welcome back” to , after he trip to Japan.
    And thanks for sharing a few pictures from the trip!

  • So, you enjoy playing The Sims or Sim City. Big deal. Think on a larger scale. Much, MUCH larger.
  • I saw way too many fashion “don’ts” today.
  • There was something that was supposed to go here, but I don’t remember what it was.

I’m beat. Time to hit the rack.
