Sunday – 04 April 2010
Happy Easter.
I hope that everyone’s day was safe and joyous.

SaraRules and I got the keys for the house yesterday! Granted, it was a few hours past when we expected… but we got the keys, nevertheless. And the first thing that we did was change all of the locks. Go figure. I ran into a slight problem with the front door — it was more of an ID-10-T error than anything else — but finally sussed it out.

After we finished with that, we had our first houseguest: ! The three of us headed down to The Apple Store and played around with an iPad. It’s a neat device, but it’s not something that I need immediately.

We then headed back to the house and from there, back to the apartment for a quiet evening hanging out with the missus.

This morning, we had planned on going to early morning (7:30 AM) Mass. One of us, who shall remain nameless — but is male and bald with a goatee — didn’t wake up. I woke up in time to go to 9:30 AM Mass.  It was a good service with a good homily.

After service and a quick stop in to say “Hi” to the in-laws, we headed home to have breakfast. SaraRules made pancakes and eggs. Yum. Next on tap: A trip to Lowe’s — we needed paint samples and a few other knick-knacks for the house. SaraRules’ parents showed up – our second and third houseguests! – and we gave them the nickel tour. After they left, we started checking out our ideas on changing the paint in a few rooms. And that’s when Logan and Swiz (Houseguests #4 and #5) stopped by. We all left at the same time.

We headed home, picked up a few things and then headed up to the in-laws’ place for Easter dinner. We had a very tasty smoked ham and a smoked turkey breast (courtesy of my uncle), roasted root veggies and steam veggies. SaraRules brought a bottle of wine. And it was all good.  It was a very good dinner and a great way to spend the evening.

Stray Toasters

Yeah… that’s good for now. We’re going to watch Help!
