Friday : 03 March 2006
The end of the week.

I spent part of the work day doing *gasp* manual labor (sort of) and the rest of it troubleshooting. I was productive with both things – in each case I identified problems and went about solving them. I still have a little bit of the troubleshooting to deal with, but I should be able to wrap it up nicely on Monday.

I hung out at Borders for a bit after work, pre-Clitorati. I got in a couple of sketches. I really need to be more consistent in setting aside time to draw… I was happy with one sketch and see where I could stand some improvement with the other. People started showing up around 7:00. We had a good group, although not quite as large as the past couple of weeks. Nevertheless, it was good company. ( and , you need to visit soon and join in the frolicking.) I spent some of my time going over some of the new rules in the Shadowrun sourcebook. Plenty of changes, but I think that they will actually enhance the gaming experience. I also informed , and Chris that I’m taking GM’s license and hitting the fast forward button in the campaign: I’m tying up a couple of old plots, moving them ahead a few years (to the timeframe of the fourth edition) and picking up the current storyline, in progress, in the new timeframe. They didn’t seem to mind.

Tomorrow: Train show and a visit to Mecca. *genuflect*

Stray Toasters

  • I own a copy of Dragon Magazine Archives, from the company formerly known as “TSR.” I got it a few years ago from a comic shop that I used to frequent (they have since then gone out of business). I got it for a really good deal. The CDs are no longer in production. Every once in a while, I’ll look around the Interweb to see how much it is selling for. Today, I saw it going for $183.75. Wow.
  • almost made me snort garlic mashed potatoes tonight at dinner. That would have been interesting.
  • Unintentional Porn Overheard at Work: “I grabbed it and it came out…. and it stopped before I was ready to stop.”
  • Things To Shoot

That’s it for now.
