Monday : 10 April 2006
It was a good day… even for a Monday.
And, despite a wee bit of oversleeping.

This evening was relatively quiet. I got to watch 24 for the first time in about a month. That was good. I also watched “Trek 2.0,” on G4 (which used to be a good channel… back when it was TechTV). It was the original series pilot – the pre-Kirk one: The Cage, with Captain Christopher Pike. “Trek 2.0” is Star Trek for the ADD/ADHD crowd – it had a chat window at the bottom of the screen, the “Spock Market” on the right and random trivia on the left. *shiver* In the words of Living Colour (the band, not the TV show): “Information Overload.” After that, I watched Batman: TAS and Superman: TAS on Boomerang. I am amused (and a little ashamed to admit) that I just picked up on their tagline tonight: “Boomerang. It’s all coming back to you now.” It’s not like I’ve been watching this channel for a few years. You would think that it would had dawned on me a long time ago. Nope. It didn’t. Until tonight. *sigh*

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I joined a couple of higher-level teams tonight. The experience was good, I’m about 30% of the way to Security Level 33. And, also on the “plus” side: I didn’t die tonight.

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with my uncle for a brief bit today. All’s well in New Amsterdam.
  • I didn’t get my Blizzard, but I do have Creme Eggs.
  • Leftover tidbit from this past weekend: I took ‘s boys with me to the comic shop. They waited (more or less) patiently while I picked up my books. Curtis, the four-year-old, asked me to come look at something. As I got closer – though my view was blocked by another patron – he told me: “You could get this costume!” That was immediately followed by Troy, the six-year-old, saying: “That’s what you look like naked.” (Did I mention that he’s six? And to the best of my knowledge, has never seen me topless, let alone naked…) Then I saw what they were talking about. It made me laugh. A lot. It made the guy standing next to me laugh, too.

    What was it that they wanted to show me?


    I had to buy the issue after a build-up like that. And it still makes me laugh.

  • Thanks to for pointing out: Thriller… done in LEGO.
  • *sigh* It looks as if this really is the last season of Justice League Unlimited. That’s a shame.
  • 20th Century Fox has signed Kiefer Sutherland to a 3 year (“three day”) deal for 24. Hopefully, it won’t jump the shark.
  • : You’re thinking of The Theme from Shaft.
  • Dual-headed video.
  • Jets transformed into limos prowl Chicago streets
  • Yoda… Easter eggs.
  • I just watched the video for Jack Johnson’s Upside Down, from the soundtrack from the recent Curious George movie. Very cute. Not to mention that it’s a rather catchy little ditty, too.
  • Man stabbed for his PowerBook in SF WiFi cafè
