I hope that everyone had a Happy Green Lantern Day.
(And, in the case of , a good birthday.)

Chris came over and we fed our plastic crack addictions: We played Heroclix. We managed to get in three games. He won all three. But, I was glad for the chance to play because:

  1. This was only the third time that I’ve played.
  2. I am picking up the game mechanics.
  3. I am applying what I’m learning.
  4. I got to play superhero!

I was kind of bummed to find out that CSI wasn’t on tonight. I had completely spaced off the fact that the NCAA Basketball Tournament would be on in its place. So, and I watched back-to-back episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway? on ABC Family. and came over for a while this evening. We mostly hung out and talked. We watched parts of Miss Congeniality (which I had never seen), Fear Factor and The Daily Show.

Stray Toasters

  • I like peanut M&M’s.
  • It snowed a bit tonight.
    This is NOT the weather that I asked for.
    I specifically requested temperatures no lower than 70°.

  • The rebuilding of ‘Nine‘s C: drive is almost complete. The format and OS installation went smoothly. And I have been through the eleventy-seven reboots that go along with doing the various Windows updates. Next on the agenda is reinstalling device drivers and applications… which is proving to be a bit “tricky” because I the ATI CDs that I have are ignoring my video card when I try to install the drivers.

I’m sure that I had much more to say, but it’s nearly 4:00 AM and I need to get away from the computer and into bed.
