Wednesday – 10 June 2009
Today is my kid sister, Kristen’s, birthday:

Last night, Chris called me. We had talked about getting together for a ‘Clix game, but neither of us could remember what day/date we’d agreed on. So… we played last night. I took a couple of boxes of figures to choose from; I wound up using:

Chris, wanting to use his custom “Lamppost Batman” figure, basically built his old tournament team (Flash and Green Lantern)… and brought his custom KC Superman (with Fortitude), to round out the points. He also picked “The Prison,” a map that I don’t like playing on (read: “Hate”).

Then it was game on. I maneuvered Scandal and Apocalypse into position and waited for Chris to move in. He did and put Batman in jeopardy:

  1. He didn’t count how far away he was from Apocalypse
  2. He forgot that Apocalypse had Trick Shot – which ignores characters, terrain and (most importantly) stealth.

Batman took a quick 5 clicks of damage. I managed not to grin like a fiend; Chris was not grinning at all. There was a lot of jockeying back and forth, and I was able to remove Batman from the game shortly thereafter. I even did some decent damage to Green Arrow and The Flash before Superman came in and saved the day pummeled Apocalypse (and the rest of the team) to death.

I wound up losing, but… I learned that Trick Shot is a good Feat card (Must get more…) for characters other than archers – I will have to try it on Storm… or Professor Xavier.

Stray Toasters

And, it’s Sushi and Comics Day.
