I was in a steadily-worsening irritable mood at work this morning and early afternoon, so I left early and got some down time. It was good… and apparently necessary. By early evening, I was in a much better mood and felt a little more in-balance.

I got a call from my site’s host around 5:30. He told me:

“We had to replace the nuclear fuel rods in the servers.”

He explained that even though the host was down for most of the day, it still kept them within their 99.9% uptime – this was the first time that something like this has happened within the past year-and-a-half to two years.

We went to coffee, as is our usual Friday evening thing to do. We met Gazehound and . almost caused me to shower the group with mocha and/or have it spew from my nose. Almost. It was a fun night. ‘s Young Miss Fiona drew a couple of very nice Valentine’s Day cards in my sketchbook; I told her that she could take it home with her and that I would get it Monday night when I came over to visit/babysit. She seemed rather happy – and surprised – to find out that I was coming over. Or maybe it was because she got to keep my sketchbook for a while. Either way, it was cute.

Stray Toasters

  • Buttered penguins. (Same principle as Teflon-coated cats, but without the semi.) Why didn’t someone add a buttering/greasing option to this. It would have made the penguins go much farther.
  • The Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex has a new challenger: The Pop-up Kama Sutra.
  • Care of Gazehound, I was shown Weeeee! Amusing.
  • If you haven’t seen the Star Dudes movies. Go here. Now. Rich Cando has compressed the Star Wars movies into five-minute Flash movies. And he took nothing out of the plots of the movies while compressing them into such short pieces.
  • He and she are in the house
    But there’s only me at home

  • By way of : This.
    It starts with Apple’s famous “1984” Macintosh commercial and moves on to a modern commercial. Don’t forget to read the red commentary text at the bottom of the video window.

My eyelids are getting very heavy. I think that is a good indicator that I should probably call it a night.
