Tuesday : 13 December 05
For a work day that only lasted eight-and-a-half hours, time seemed to take its time passing today. That didn’t exactly help to improve my mood. Fortunately, I had the virtual “company” of a few good friends to help make the minutes move along a little faster. Going to the gym at lunch didn’t hurt, either.

A few of you know why I was in a poor mood this morning. For those of you who don’t: Jess () and I broke up last night. We had been talking about it for a few weeks, but last night… it happened. As it stands, we’re both doing all right. We’re staying in the house. And the really important part: We’re still friends. Thanks again to those of you who sent various well-wishes to the two of us over the course of the day – they were greatly appreciated.

This evening has been fairly quiet. I called off tonight’s Shadowrun game; I’m not sure if I’ll try to squeeze in a session next week or just wait until after the holidays. Instead, and I went to Hopper’s for a bite to eat and sixteen-ounce curls. I hadn’t tried their Madame X Nitro Stout before; it was one of the most smooth beers that I have ever had the pleasure of imbibing. It’s a new favorite, in fact.

Stray Toasters

  • I received a call from the father-unit tonight. No real reason; just to say “hi.” That was cool.
  • knows and understands my… like (?)… affinity (?)…. no… obsession (!) with . She is also evil: Today, she sent me an email entitled “Become a card carrying member of IKEA.” The email contains a link which takes you to a page where you can sign up for…
    Something like that in my hands would be akin to giving a pyromaniac a 55-gallon barrel of gasoline, a box of matches and telling him “Go play!” Bad things… Bad things… But, oh the fun I could have…
  • Mythos. The first three pages… Wow.
  • : I know that he’s your boy and all, but someone needs to go on a Bat-diet with the quickness!
  • : This and from DC Comics’ Secret Files: Catwoman
  • Snoopy vs. the Red Baron – the video game
  • “A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty “Hi-yo Silver” – The Lone Ranger!”
  • This afternoon, sent me this link. Umm…

  • “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”
    “How long has it been since your last confession?”
    “Um… well… never. I’m Baptist, we don’t usually do the whole confession thing. But this is a special case. Even more so than me liking Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett’s It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere.”
    “That’s okay, my son. It’s a catchy song. And, as you said: It has Jimmy Buffett.”
    *ahem* “Yes. So then… what is it that you wish to confess?”
    “I was watching Gilmore Girls the other day…”
    “I’m sorry… did you just say ‘Gilmore Girls?’ ”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “I…see. Oh. I’m sorry. Please continue.”
    “Well, I was watching it and there was a scene with a house party. And… *sigh*… I looked at one of the actors and almost immediately recognized him as Brandon Routh.”
    “And he would be…?”
    “The new Superman.”
    “I see. And you picked him out of the crowd?”
    “Not exactly. He was in the foreground. But it only took me a second or two to figure out who he was.”
    “And you’re sure that it was him?”
    “Better than Ivory Soap sure.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “Ivory Soap. 99.44% pure.”
    “Ah. Yes. Please continue.”
    “I checked on IMDb to make sure. And there it was in his bio: Big as day and twice as bright.”
    “I see. So, what exactly is the sin that you wish to confess?”
    “Um…. that whole “watching the Gilmore Girls” thing. I don’t think that I can live with the guilt.”
    *chuckle* “My son. There’s is nothing… inherently sinful about watching that show. I have heard a few of my parishioners talking about how much they enjoy it.”
    “But.. I mean…”
    “Honestly. It’s all right. But, if it makes you feel any better: Say ten ‘Hail Marys’ and donate at least an hour of your weekend to help a neighbor. Oh… and you may not want to let the guys at the gym know about this, either.”
    “Thank you, Father.” *genuflects*

  • I think that I have not only seen, but read, this comic.
  • All-Star Batman and Robin Statue Start savin’ your pennies, Ms. ‘Lightning.
  • I had to inform a (relatively) new coworker of Celine Dion’s sole purpose in life. Until today, he wasn’t aware that she even had a purpose. Then, I discovered that yet another coworker didn’t know that she had brokered a deal with Chrysler and Caesar’s Palace… after her “retirement.”
  • : Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #16
  • : You were the first person I thought of when I saw this.
  • Micro Rail Gun – Need I really say more?
